ACS Grants Program

ACS Grants expand the reach and impact of ACS ministries in their community. Whether funding refrigerators for food pantries, disaster response trailers, computers for classes or sheds to increase storage space, we consider the grants to be an investment in sustainable ACS ministries that share in our values of:

  • Sharing: Actively and appropriately sharing the love of God to partners, staff and those we serve.
  • Connecting: Intentionally building relationships that strengthen individual and family resiliency to life’s challenges.
  • Ministering: We minister to the communities we serve by focusing on their physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being.
  • Discipleship: ACS empowers and engages members and others to serve their communities through holistic ministry.

Available Grants:

1. ACS Seed Grant

  • Covers 75% (up to $10,000) of capital improvement costs for new or existing ACS centers.
  • Church based ministries may apply in partnership with their Conference ACS Director.  Read More…

2. Disaster Response Grant

  • Funds ACS Disaster Response activities after a state or presidentially declared disaster.
  • Conferences and Unions may apply. Read More…

3. ACS DR Mobile Unit Grant

  • Covers up to 50% of the purchase and preparation of trailers or vehicles used for disaster response.
  • Conferences and Unions may apply.  Read More…


Available Loans:

1. Thrift Store Interest-Free Loan

  • The ACS Thrift Store Loan is a loan of up to $20,000 made to church-based Adventist thrift store ministries.
  • Church based ministries may apply through their ACS Ministry Director. Read More..