
Passing of Gordon Botting

With a heavy heart, we regret to announce that Gordon Botting, retired Northern California Conference Adventist Community Services Director, passed away on Thursday night, July 11. Besides ACS, he also served as Director of Health and Stewardship for the conference. He was very passionate about all three ministries as they enabled church members to reach out to their communities. At the time of his death, he was serving as the Stewardship Director for the Pacific Union Conference.

“I am so saddened to hear this news. I did ask him about his health two weeks ago when we talked, and he gave a simple response that God was good,” said W. Derrick Lea, Disaster Response Director of NAD ACS. Both Gordon and his wife were always so friendly and welcoming. Derrick added, “I stayed with them in their home a few times and they were such a loving couple… I am so sorry to hear this and makes my desire even more for Christ’s return.”

Gordon is survived by his wife Margaret, his daughter Angela Graf (and husband Ricardo), his son Tim (and wife Dusty), and five grandchildren.

On behalf of ACS, we extend our deepest condolences to the Botting family. We are truly grateful for Gordon’s dedication and remarkable service to ACS, and are appreciative of all he has done to serve his community.

A memorial service is being planned. Details will be shared on the Northern California Conference website, when it’s available.

One reply on “Passing of Gordon Botting”

It is with great sadness that I hear the news of Dr. Botting, yet I am comforted knowing tbat he was ready on the Lord’s return and that not long from now we will see Our Savior and all, who like Gordon who have fallen asleep will be awakened and caught up in the air to Jesus. Dear family of Dr. Botting, know that he was loved and truly will be missed by all our ACS communities. Gertie Warnick

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