Disaster Response Floods

Flooding Crisis in Houston, TX

UPDATE – April 24, 2016

Adventist Community Services volunteers served emergency supplies to 662 Houston flood survivors over the weekend. Clean up buckets, clothing packs, personal care kits, blankets, diapers and other items were distributed in three locations around Houston.

April 20, 2015

Massive flooding in Houston resulted by 10 – 18 inches of rain. The Adventist Community Services (ACS) Disaster Response team located a warehouse that will accept and provide donated goods to flood survivors in the Southwest Region. Linda Walker, Southwest Region ACS Disaster Relief assistant, will be leading out in that operation. Texas Conference will be taking the Mobile Distribution Unit (a semi filled with prepackaged clothing outfits, personal care kits, clean up kits, blankets and sheets) to Houston and distributing emergency supplies to the flood survivors including many non-insured residents. The Master Guide Club members in Houston will also assist the various ACS operations.

Please pray for the volunteers and ACS team as they serve communities in Christ’s name.