ADRA Partnership

ACS Partners With ADRA In Puerto Rico Aid

Puerto Rico has been severely struck by more than 500 earthquakes just within a couple of days causing widespread destruction. The most devastating one in these series of earthquakes that hit the island last Tuesday was reported to be a magnitude 6.4.

ADRA International Emergency Management Director, Mario de Oliveria, and his team are on the ground leading the Recovery Efforts. The major need currently is shelter as many are afraid to return to their homes due to aftershocks. ADRA is distributing 200 tents to house families who are displaced.

Another essential need is blankets which we were requested to help with. Several of our union and conference ACS teams have shown support by providing hundreds of blankets. We have also acquired a significant donation of over 1000 blankets filling four pallets, from our Southwestern Union ACS led by Marshall and Julie Gonzales. They will be transported to San Juan for distribution.

Please keep the survivors of these earthquakes, as well as those who have been affected by other disasters recently, in your prayers. Let us also remember the responders as they bring aid to these communities.

Educational Local Church Partnership

ACS ‘CHOP’ Program with Ochsner Foundation

The ACS Center of Westbank United SDA Church in New Orleans, Louisiana, recently entered into a collaboration with Ochsner Foundation Healthcare System to offer children in their community ‘The CHOP Toolkit’. The acronym CHOP stands for “Cooking Up Healthy Options and Portions”, which complements the health message of our Church very well. The purpose of this program is to teach the children of our congregations and neighborhoods the importance of good nutrition, eating small portions, as well as learning to safely use kitchen tools.

The CHOP Toolkit is a eight-to-ten week program, providing the necessary space for teaching and cooking vegetarian meals. It will include communicating regularly with the CHOP basic staff, completing a pre and post test with participants, and providing documentation and receipts for purchases that were made through Walmart gift cards that were supplied for food supplies.

The first summer event of the CHOP program was held from June 13-July 16 at the Westbank United SDA Church. It was sponsored by Ochsner Foundation, Westbank United SDA Church, City of New Orleans Tricentennial Committee and Neighborhood Engagement, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Washington, and Colistics Pharmacy. The activity schedule included the following; 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m – Cooking lessons and Lunch; 2:00 to 3:00 p.m – Recreation/Break; 3:15 to 4:00 p.m – Anger Management/Problem Solving; 4:00 to 4:50 p.m – Christian Grooming and Manners; and at 5:00 p.m was Dismissal.

Each child and staff member were given a study manual and an apron. The CHOP Instructor Manual was supplied by Irene H. Williams, Director of ACS Center of the Westbank United SDA Church. “The children and staff had a wonderful learning experience together. The children had fun while learning to cook and work as a team”, said Ms. Williams. She is excited about this new collaborative opportunity and is looking forward to many more events like this in the future.

Hurricanes Partnership Pathfinders

New Braunfels Pathfinders Respond to Harvey

The Pathfinder Club of the New Braunfels SDA Church in Texas, “Ambassadors for Christ”, participated in community outreach for the Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief. A group of nine pathfinders helped out at the Multi-Agency Warehouse managed by Adventist Community Services in San Antonio on Sunday, October 1. They were divided into two groups. One group was in charge of sorting the personal Care Package items by putting each individual item into a large box of the same item category. By the time they were done, they had around 25 different boxes of individual items, all labeled and ready to be distributed. Another group opened up boxes of new underwear for boys and girls and packaged them in smaller boxes of six. They taped up the boxes, labeled each of them with a special code number, and loaded them on a pallet.

This enthusiastic bunch of volunteers had been looking forward to an entire day of work; however, they were able to finish the tasks assigned to them in just three hours. “We were prepared to stay all day but the jobs we were doing were completed. We are hoping to go back and help,” said Debbie Edmiston, Director of “Ambassadors for Christ”. And, sure enough, they continue to volunteer their dedicated time and efforts on Sundays at the San Antonio Warehouse. We sincerely appreciate these young people who are setting an example for other children to be involved in community outreach.

This Pathfinder Club was started in 2005 with the intention of reaching out to the young people from the surrounding neighborhoods to give them a positive avenue in life. One of the ways they were able to do that was to have their Pathfinders invite their non-Adventist friends or cousins. Vacation Bible School also played a significant role in getting children to join the Club. Debbie stated, “The Lord has blessed our Club through the years in many ways. And the Lord is still blessing us with boys and girls from our church and from the surrounding neighborhoods to this present day!”.

Disaster Response Donations Hurricanes Partnership

FEMA Assistance for Harvey, Irma, and Maria

If you or your family and friends have been impacted by the hurricanes, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers resources to help with recovery. Registering online, at, is the quickest way to register for FEMA assistance.

Visit the Hurricane Harvey, Irma, or Maria pages for trusted recovery information.

To donate or volunteer, contact the voluntary or charitable organization of your choice through the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (NVOAD) at

NVOAD is coordinating closely with the Puerto Rico Governor’s Office on offers of assistance. To make a cash donation directly to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, visit

Donations for the US Virgin Islands can be made to

Disaster Response Partnership

FEMA Partnership Day

The NAD ACS Disaster Response Team is currently participating in the Voluntary Organization Partnership Day which is being held in Washington, DC today. This event is hosted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and National VOAD. The purpose of this event is to promote and recognize the services provided by voluntary, community, and faith-based organizations to disaster survivors. During the day, various organizations and groups from within FEMA will be part of an exhibit showcase that will be open to the public. There will also be informal discussion panels on disaster-related topics and an opportunity to meet with subject matter experts.

Disaster Response Floods Partnership

Collaborative Recovery Efforts in Louisiana

Early Monday (August 29) morning, the NAD ACS Team met up with the ACS workers from Tennessee at the Distribution Center, and spoke with them about about how their home churches and some counties had supported them in their plans to help with the Relief work in Louisiana. The discussion also involved reviewing a listing of the homes affected that had been prepared by the local ACS leadership, and outlining them in a manner that would ensure the most effective use of the resources. The discussion with the team from Tennessee was followed by another discussion with the American Red Cross Team led by Director Carlos.

The different groups that were actively involved in the Recovery Efforts touched on some of the shortfalls that they had experienced in the last few days. For example, the Red Cross highlighted some of their concerns with the donated “stuff’ that had been given to them. In the afternoon, conference calls were held for our Union Directors and some of our other Conference Directors/Coordinators to discuss the continued work in Louisiana. “This interaction will create opportunities for collaborative support of our team on the ground and we’ll follow-up upon my return to the home office,” says W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS Disaster Response Director.

Presently, the local Southwest Regional and Arkansas-Louisiana Conferences are scheduling volunteers to serve in both the Warehouse and the Wellness Center. As these plans are being formulated, the local community continues to keep an eye on the weather reports. In the last six months, Louisiana has been hit by a Tornado in February, a major flooding in the Spring when 40 of the 64 Parishes were affected to experiencing this latest flooding. Forecast reports are now calling for a possible Hurricane that is predicted to devastate the State again.

Please, let us keep the State of Louisiana in our thoughts and prayers, for their protection and safety as they encounter such weather-related tragedies.

Disaster Response Floods Partnership

ACS Continues Work in Baton Rouge, LA

On August 28 early morning (Sunday), ACS continued its Recovery Efforts by starting the day off at the Warehouse in Baton Rouge, by taking in supplies from around the region and distributing them appropriately. A letter from the State of Louisiana (see link below) was sent to all the public and non-governmental organizations, informing them about the ACS-operated Warehouse. “We believe the push from the State will lead to a continual increase in the amount of goods received at the facility run by our team for the community affected,” says W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS Disaster Response Director.

In addition to the ACS members, they were also able to negotiate an agreement with the Federal Government to use VISTA workers at the Warehouse. This group is made up of young people from around the country who volunteer their services for as many as 12 months to public service. They were able to get hold of ten of these workers who have worked in partnership with our ACS staff and volunteers to help transform two empty buildings into functional Warehouses that will serve Louisiana for many months. On the same day, a 6-member team of ACS workers from Nashville, TN had arrived. They were directed to their sleeping quarters where they will reside for the next week. This group has partnered with the Southwest Regional Conference and agreed to use their skills, equipment and abilities to clean homes in the Baton Rouge area.

In addition to the work at the Warehouse, ACS continues its Shelter and Distribution Center operation on Osborne Avenue in Baton Rouge. ACS is providing meals, cots, and even entertainment for the children. Southwest Regional Conference is providing this service through the ACS Director Durandel Ford. Several individuals have signed up to offer their assistance for this cause. The commitment shown by such people whose homes had not been affected was humbling and truly showed the spirit that Christ asks of us.

Letter from State of Louisiana about the Warehouse

Disaster Response Floods Partnership

Governor Nikki Haley Lends a Hand to Flood Survivors

When the Carolina Conference received a request from the State of South Carolina to open a warehouse for the handling of donated goods to serve the survivors of the severe flooding there, several volunteers from the GA-Cumberland Conference were asked to join with them to facilitate the swift set up of this operation. The warehouse worked closely with the Governor’s Office to accomplish this.

A shipment of 630 flood buckets was received from the Allegheny East Conference, and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley asked the staff of the warehouse to come with her as she visited the affected counties and to hand out the buckets to the victims during her visit with the counties. The governor came by to personally thank each ACS DR volunteer for helping with her mobile distribution program and for operating the warehouse for the state, and to have her picture taken with the group.

The warehouse was shut down for the afternoon this happened, leaving Terry Haight behind to answer phones, unload any stray trucks, etc. A Regional Director from the office of US Senator Tim Scott saw the ACS banner and stopped by to see what was happening. After a golf cart tour of the warehouse (it was an 85,000 sq/ft building), Haight invited the Director into his office, and the two of them discussed ACS DR for over a half hour about what we do, how we do it and what Adventists believe. The Director said he knew Presidential hopeful Ben Carson, was an Adventist, but had no idea what Adventists believed. They spent over a half-hour discussing these things, following which the Director declared that he had visited many of the other volunteer operations helping out in the state, but had not seen any of them anywhere nearly as organized as the Adventists, and that he was going to recommend that the Senator come and inspect this operation himself, to see how donated goods should be handled.

This was certainly a “High Day” for ACS Disaster Response and the Seventh-day Adventist Church! We all pray that we represented our Savior in the best possible way.