
Dr. Fitzgerald Kerr Retires from ACS

Dr. W. Fitzgerald Kerr graduated from the Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, in Berrien Springs, Michigan. After graduation, he worked with the New York City Board of Education as a Substance Abuse Intervention Prevention Specialist.

Since Dr. Kerr was an experienced ordained pastor who previously served in the South Caribbean Conference of the Inter-American Division, he subsequently, joined the Northeastern Conference as a district pastor in February 1992. He served in Springfield, MA, Providence, RI, and Brooklyn, NY.

While in Brooklyn, he facilitated the development of a series of community ministries initiatives in the local church where he pastored. As a result, this church was open all day every day of the week. One ministry focused on training individuals to enter the world of work as office receptionists, secretaries, cashiers, and retail salesclerks. Another ministry was the operation of a dental clinic. They also offered classes in computer literacy, computer repair, and GED. In addition, one ministry focused on a community exercise with the establishment of a full gym, while another focused on a night shelter to accommodate homeless individuals.

Dr. Kerr joined Northeastern Conference ACS in 1998 and has served in this department as ACS Director and Disaster Response Director for the past twenty-one years. During this time, he also served as Health Ministries Director, and Sabbath School Ministries Director.

While serving as ACS Director, he facilitated the Northeastern Conference in hosting numerous workshops and seminars. The major ones dealt with Non-Profit Leadership, Philanthropy, Proposal Preparation for Funding, Crisis Counseling, Emergency Sheltering, Disaster Residential Assessment, Donation Operation, Introduction to Disaster Preparedness, Immigration Legal Services, Medicare/Medicaid/Welfare Education, and Adventist Community Services Operation.

During his time as Disaster Response Director of the Conference, Dr. Kerr undertook numerous disaster response missions locally and internationally. Some of these included responding to:

  • Hurricane Ivan, Grenada, W.I. 2004
  • Hurricane Gustav, Louisiana, 200
  • 2010 Earthquake in Haiti, 2010 – 2016
  • Hurricane Matthew, 2016
  • Southern Haiti, 2016 – 2018
  • Tornado of Springfield, MA, 2011
  • Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2005 – 2012
  • Super Storm Sandy, 2011 – 2012
  • Hurricane Harvey, Houston TX, 2017
  • Hurricane Maria, Dominica, W.I. 2017 – 2018
  • Hurricane Florence, Wilmington NC, 2018
  • Hurricane Michael Panama City, Fl, 2018
  • Typhoon Yutu, Saipan, 2018 – 2019

The time has arrived for Dr. Kerr to step aside and allow new leadership to move Northeastern Conference ACS to the next level. “I am ever grateful and appreciative for the privilege and opportunity of serving and developing in the ACS department and Northeastern Conference”, stated Dr. Kerr.

It has truly been a privilege and an honor to have Dr. Kerr serve in the ACS ministry. We want to express our sincere gratitude to him for his dedication, commitment, and remarkable leadership skills; and also want to wish him the best in his next phase of life.


Passing of Gordon Botting

With a heavy heart, we regret to announce that Gordon Botting, retired Northern California Conference Adventist Community Services Director, passed away on Thursday night, July 11. Besides ACS, he also served as Director of Health and Stewardship for the conference. He was very passionate about all three ministries as they enabled church members to reach out to their communities. At the time of his death, he was serving as the Stewardship Director for the Pacific Union Conference.

“I am so saddened to hear this news. I did ask him about his health two weeks ago when we talked, and he gave a simple response that God was good,” said W. Derrick Lea, Disaster Response Director of NAD ACS. Both Gordon and his wife were always so friendly and welcoming. Derrick added, “I stayed with them in their home a few times and they were such a loving couple… I am so sorry to hear this and makes my desire even more for Christ’s return.”

Gordon is survived by his wife Margaret, his daughter Angela Graf (and husband Ricardo), his son Tim (and wife Dusty), and five grandchildren.

On behalf of ACS, we extend our deepest condolences to the Botting family. We are truly grateful for Gordon’s dedication and remarkable service to ACS, and are appreciative of all he has done to serve his community.

A memorial service is being planned. Details will be shared on the Northern California Conference website, when it’s available.


Passing of Bruce Moyer

This is one of the most difficult news for me to share. My good friend and mentor, Dr. Bruce Campbell Moyer, passed away on Sabbath morning, May 11, and is resting in God’s hands until the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Dr. Moyer was a significant part of the NAD ACS ministry, especially with the Nonprofit Leadership Certification Program initiative since 2003. He was also the instructor and advisor for the Urban Mission and Ministry modules. He provided substantial technical support and lectureship for numerous urban mission and ministry symposiums, ACS conventions, and ACS leadership development programs throughout NAD.

Dr. Moyer was not only an intellectual scholar but also a compassionate minister. He served as a teacher, pastor, and administrator. More importantly, he was my mentor for my personal and professional life, and also my spiritual guide on earth.

In March 1991, shortly after my baptism in January, my wife and I decided to pursue pastoral ministry by enrolling in the Columbia Union College (now Washington Adventist University) Theology degree program. It was in my “Christian Church Ministry” class on the first day of school when Dr. Moyer walked into the classroom and said with a commanding voice like that of a soldier, “Who has the NRA sticker on their car?” When I heard the voice and saw the seriousness and imperial look of Dr. Moyer, I thought I was in big trouble and asked myself, “Why is this happening in my life on the first day of school and first encounter with my teacher?” Before I was converted, I was a cadet of the US Air Force ROTC program at the University of Maryland, hence had the NRA sticker on my car. After an agonizing mental struggle, I raised my hand slowly and cautiously; then an unbelievable thing happened. Dr. Moyer walked toward me and stretched out his hand and shook my hand and said, “I like you.” WOW – what just happened! I could not understand what was happening. Dr. Moyer had served as a Marine; not ex-Marine, but Marine. He said that, “there is no such thing as a ex-Marine; once you are a Marine, you are always a Marine.” He was proud of being a Marine.

Among many, Dr. Moyer taught homiletics, how to write and preach sermons. He infused in our minds that pastors should not preach from the head but from the heart; not transferring information from head to head but connecting heart to heart. He stressed the importance of a preacher’s responsibility of the spiritual aspect of life.

As the director for the Center for Global Urban Mission at CUC, Dr. Moyer hired me to work as an assistant. Mentoring under him on urban mission and ministry changed my life and besides God’s will, Dr. Moyer is the reason why I am who I am today. His teachings and love for God and His people influenced me to follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am eternally grateful for Dr. Moyer; for his love, friendship, and mentorship. We will miss him but will not forget him. We will meet him again in the new Jerusalem, and I can’t wait to say, “Dr. Moyer, I like you, Sir.”

Please keep Mrs. Moyer and family in your thoughts and prayers.

— Sung K. Kwon
Executive Director, NAD ACS

To read the obituary for Dr. Moyer, please click here.


Passing of Terry Haight

We regret to announce the passing of Terry Haight, our Georgia-Cumberland Conference ACS DR Director. Terry has worked with us for several years and was one of the best representatives of our Mission of serving in Christ’s name. Terry and his Team was recently involved in the Hurricane Michael Recovery Efforts over the last month in the State of Georgia. The two most-affected counties, Seminole and Daugherty, had reached out to us to set up Warehouses. Terri worked with the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) to identify facilities in both counties that could house these operations.

GEMA wanted Terry and his Team in the Warehouse in Donalsonvile (Seminole county) right away, but there was nowhere within a 100-mile radius to house them. Moreover, there was no electricity in the county, either. So, they waited, awaiting developments until it was difficult to hold off any longer. Finally, they decided to leave and trust in the Lord for the housing. The day they were supposed to load the truck, they received a call from GEMA notifying them that they had located motel rooms in Dothan, AL which was 31 miles away from the Warehouse, for two weeks.

In addition to the Warehouses, Terry efficiently led his Team in serving six Distribution Sites in various areas in Georgia. Since many rural areas didn’t have electricity for a long time, they were desperate for food and other necessities. Terry took the initiative on operating a mobile distribution which helped deliver supplies to some of the more remote areas. He also served the hurricane survivors who were sheltered at the Operations Center by providing them shower trailers. We are truly grateful for Terry’s dedication and remarkable service to ACS, and are appreciative of all he has done to serve in his community.

Please keep Rhonda Haight, wife of Terry, and the family in your continued prayers for strength as they endure this difficult tragedy.


ACTS 9 Outreach Director Awarded for Service

After 21 years of dedicated service, Sandra Martin stepped down as director of ACTS 9, an Adventist Community Services outreach ministry serving the Hagerstown community in Maryland. Before her 21-year tenure as director, Sandra assisted her father, Carl Shaffer, for many years as he served as director. The ACTS 9 staff presented Martin with a crystal plaque and Lenox 2018 Heavenly Fanfare Millennium Angel porcelain figurine. Sandra was also granted the Notable Persons of Honor Award in 2014 by the Columbia Union.

The ministry name, ACTS 9, comes from the Bible verse Acts 9:36 that refers to helping the poor. Under the new directorship of Cliff Schramm, the ACTS 9 ministry will continue to build upon the years of service Sandra provided. Currently, 16 people are volunteering on Tuesdays and Thursdays, distributing donated food and clothing to the greater Hagerstown area. In September, 84 families, totaling 196 individuals, were reached by the ACTS 9 ministry team.

Article by: Mary Ellen Kirk, ACTS 9 Volunteer

Sandra Martin (center) receives awards for her service towards ACTS 9.

Special Acknowledgement – Everlean Williams

Everlean Williams, one of our long-time Community Services volunteers, passed away on February 15, 2018 at age 101. Mrs. Williams was one of the pioneers of Dorcas Ministry/Community Services who has contributed over 60 years of service to God and humanity. Her love of service and commitment to community began during her working years and has continued during her retirement.

She was actively involved in helping the sick and needy through food and clothes distribution, cash donations, hospital visits, and witnessing to many about the good news of salvation. She also assisted with the Soup Kitchen preparing healthy meals for the community. In addition, Mrs. Williams dedicated her time to older adult programs and children’s groups. She volunteered at the Westside Senior Day Center and Bethel Community Senior Citizens’ Center providing assistance with activity and meal programs. She also volunteered at the Sharon Junior Academy and Clark Street School tutoring children and helping with school programs. As a “substitute grandma” she served as a role model for young African American girls.

Mrs. Williams has received many awards during her years of service to the community. She was recognized by the SDA Lake Region Conference Chicagoland Community Services Federation, as well as her home church Sharon SDA Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. “My sister in Christ truly loved our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and she loved serving his People! Her greatest desire is to be saved and help her family and others to be saved,” said Donnie M. Williams, Chicagoland ACS Federation Liaison.

Mrs. Williams believed that a vision for a better world is made possible by volunteering in all places for as long as you can. All of this is even more commendable as she entirely depended on public transportation to meet her numerous volunteer commitments.

Let us keep the Williams family in our thoughts and prayers!

Local Conference NEWS

Spokane Valley Community Garden

The Upper Columbia Conference is enhancing its outreach ministry by involving the Spokane Valley Adventist Church Community Garden as an official ministry of Adventist Community Services. The purpose of this project is to teach gardening to the community, inspire culinary experimentation, and provide food to those in need. “This is a wonderful opportunity to see how God is working in opening more and more doors,” said Patty Marsh, UCC ACS Director.

The idea of transforming a two-acre plot of vacant land into a community garden was started by Rupert Salmon, a member of the Spokane Valley Church. He and his team started on the project in February of this year by building beds. They are working in partnership with the Latter-day Saints, Catholics, as well as the Mormons in the area.

Community gardens have been a part of ACS ministry for a very long time. Particularly, the Northern CA Conference has been proactively engaged with its opportunity under Dr. Gordon Botting’s leadership. There are approximately 40 churches that have developed community gardens in the NCA Conference. “The Spokane Valley Adventist Church is being a recognizable, tangible, and a visible sign of God’s mission in Spokane,” stated Sung Kwon, NAD ACS Executive Director.

Click Here for More Information.

Community Development Local Conference NEWS

STEAM Ahead – ACS Ministry

STEAM Ahead @ Discovery Junction is one of the latest outreach ministries of Adventist Community Services in the Upper Columbia Conference. This six-month old ministry constitutes of an after-school enrichment program, as well as summer camp learning opportunities every year. STEAM is an integration program that will engage students hands-on in the field of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. They’ve had a six-week course for two hours a day that included Forensic Science, Biology, and Lego Robotics. The students have also planted 4 x 4 gardens which are producing successfully. Other activities include music, games, arts and crafts, building bird houses, character-building activities, and etc.

Now that public schools have started for the new school year, the program will get going once again. A local engineering firm has offered to regularly send engineers to teach a segment probably once a month. They have also included programs for senior citizens and English language study lessons for non-native speakers. “Since Discovery Junction houses 12 new computers, I see potential for ESL classes or Eldercare enrichment,” says Patty Marsh, ACS Director of Upper Columbia Conference. The Spokane Better Living Center now includes a fall-prevention exercise class that meets twice a week for their over 60 age group (Eldercare).

After receiving the Compassion Grant of $15,000 from the NAD Ministerial Department to continue making a difference in the community, they would like to make a promotion video in the next few months. They are excited about their new venture and are looking for volunteers who could offer their assistance and expertise in various activities, so Discovery Junction can expand. Click here to read more about the program:

Paul Hoover, President of Upper Columbia Conference, hands the Grant of $15,000 check to Pr. Dayv Lounsbury of Spokane Central SDA Church. Photo Credit: Art Lenz
Local Church NEWS

Orient SDA Church Ministry

The Orient Seventh-day Adventist Church located in Orient, Washington state, is one of the very many smaller churches in the North American region. With a town population of 113 inhabitants, the church has been growing gradually over time. This little church that started out with 6 members has now grown to a 30-member congregation. The Church has recently welcomed a new member to their family, Rebecca who has accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and was baptized last month. Their growth comes from their weekly outreach of their food bank and clothing closet where they serve around 40 families per week. No church is too small to make a big impact in their community!

Below are a few pictures from Rebecca’s Baptism:

Educational NEWS

REACH Columbia Union Urban Evangelism School

Apply today for this life-changing, urban ministry adventure. REACH Columbia Union Urban Evangelism School is a practical opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the city of Philadelphia, while receiving college credit. Spots are limited, scholarships available. This One-Year Program starts June 2016, apply now! Go to:

This is a unique opportunity that will expose students to creative ways of following Jesus and getting involved in ministry, as well as earning college credit. Encourage your young adults to apply today so they won’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity!