Disaster Response Floods Local Conference NEWS

ACS Responds to Flash Floods in Tennessee

The State of Tennessee was recently hit by devastating flooding on Saturday, August 21, 2021, after a record-breaking rainfall. The Emergency Management authorities have reported that at least 22 people were killed and 50 others remain missing that weekend after catastrophic flash floods swept through Middle Tennessee. ACS was asked to identify a Warehouse Management team to work in Waverly. The South Central Conference ACS Disaster Response will be engaged in this effort, under the leadership of both ACS co-directors, Lillie Buckingham and Barbara Barnes. A 100,000 square foot Warehouse is currently being set up for operations and will serve the community for the next few weeks in partnership with the state. The Kentucky-Tennessee Conference ACS director, Mike Hewitt, visited the site today and we plan to identify local volunteers that can be used to supplement this effort and ultimately take over the operation once trained to do so by the South Central force.

Please remember in your prayers the affected communities and those grieving the loss of their loved ones.

The impact of the flooding in the Waverly area of Tennessee. Photo: Hardin County Fire Department, Savannah Tennessee/Facebook

Local Conference NEWS

Passing of Pastor Henry and Mrs. Sharon Fordham

It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of Pastor Henry and Mrs. Sharon Fordham on Sunday, July 18, 2021, in a tragic house fire. Pastor Henry J. Fordham III was the president of the Allegheny East Conference. Local authorities have not determined yet the cause of the fire.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and the conference as they grapple with this devastating loss. Please know that the NAD ACS office is here to support through these trying times.

Click on the following links for more information:

Allegheny East Conference –

Adventist Today –

NBC Philadelphia –


Emotional & Spiritual Care Food Aid Local Conference NEWS Partnership

ACS Responds to Mass Shooting in Colorado

On Monday, March 22, a gunman opened fire at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado, leaving ten people dead. Among the casualties was a police officer who was responding to this heinous act of violence. Derrick Lea, North American Division ACS Disaster Response director, has been in communication with Cathy Kissner, Rocky Mountain Conference ACS director, the Emergency Management in Boulder, Colorado VOAD, and other associated entities to discuss a plan as to how we can render assistance to the affected community. We have been requested to serve by filling the role of providing emotional and spiritual care. The local ACS team has selected some individuals who have been trained and equipped for this task. We’ve also communicated with the local Adventist church in Boulder, informing them of the resources we can provide. Additionally, we’re working with Salvation Army that has been asked to distribute food to the community to see if we could partner with them.

“While the tragedy is one we had hoped would not happen again, the reality of these type of events is hitting us with more regularity. Our continuous desire is to be prepared for these type of crisis events and also ultimately represent the love of Christ in our acts of service to those hurting,” said Lea.

Click here to read the statement put out by the Rocky Mountain Conference.

Please remember the families who have lost loved ones, the survivors, as well as those who are responding to this tragedy.

BOULDER, CO – MARCH 22: Healthcare workers walk out of a King Sooper’s Grocery store after a gunman opened fire on March 22, 2021 in Boulder, Colorado. Dozens of police responded to the afternoon shooting in which at least one witness described three people who appeared to be wounded, according to published reports. (Photo by Chet Strange/Getty Images))
Local Conference NEWS

ACS Director of Kentucky-Tennessee Conference Retires

After 37 years of denomination work, Dr. Steve A. Rose Sr. retired on March 1, 2021. He served as the vice president for administration and also the director for Adventist Community Services in the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference.

Dr. Rose has been an instrumental leader over the decades for ACS ministry. It has truly been a privilege to have him serve in our ministry, and we want to express our sincere gratitude to him for his remarkable service. We also wish him the best of luck in his retirement years.

Click here for full article.

Disaster Response Fires Local Conference

ACS DR in Oregon Responds to Fire Tragedy

States in the Pacific Northwest are the latest to be struck by raging fires. NAD ACS is in communication with the North Pacific Union Conference ACS leadership on how to best assist the affected communities. Upper Columbia Conference ACS DR has received a request from Spokane Regional Health District for volunteers to assist at the Spokane Convention Center which is housing evacuees.

In the state of Oregon, small fires that started September 7th night in the Clackamas County last week continued to spread rapidly. The county had suggested using the Gladstone Campground as an evacuation site for RVs. Laura Pascoe, the executive director of PACS, and Andy Villanueva, ACS DR director of Oregon Conference, got together with the leadership at the conference to make it happen. The campground is currently housing over 125 RVs and trailers.

Every day more and more residents from the community are showing up asking for help. “When someone drives up and asks, ‘Do you still have room for us?’ and we say yes, you can see the relief come over them. Today is a crazy day, but because we’re able to help our neighbors, it’s a great day, too,” said Villanueva. Several people from the community are also dedicating their time and services to bring relief to those affected. Volunteers are leading evacuees into RV spots. Donations of food, water, children’s board games, coloring books, and crayons have come in for evacuees. A truckload of food was brought in by the owners of Hue Vegan Cafe. On September 11th and 14th morning, free pancakes were distributed thanks to Chris Cakes Northwest. World Central Kitchen has also delivered food today for all the evacuees and volunteers.


The Gladstone Park evacuation site is requesting not to send food or other physical donations at this time. If you would like to help, you can donate to a fund to provide needed supplies at the evacuation site. Donate to the “Oregon ACS- Wildfire” Fund at this link.


The evacuation site at the Gladstone Campground is looking for several volunteers this week. If you are willing and able to pitch in, please fill out a volunteer form provided at this link, or call our volunteer hotline at (971) 350-8109.

For news and updates, please visit the Gladstone Campground Facebook page.


Let us remember to keep the families of those affected by the deadly fires in prayer, as well as those who are providing relief.

COVID-19 Local Conference

Northeastern Conference ACS COVID-19 Efforts

Northeastern Conference ACS has been actively serving their local communities in light of the COVID-19 coronavirus, under the leadership of the conference ACS Director, Pr. Mario Augustave. All of their ACS centers remained open and fully staffed while New York State became the epicenter of the war against the virus. Besides providing free food through soup kitchens and food pantries, they’re also offering free COVID-19 testing for the entire community every Sunday.

They became the first organization to operate a mobile COVID-19 testing in the state, resulting in them being appointed by New York City as the official tester of over 55 homeless shelters. The Conference maintains regular weekly testing of their ACS volunteers who want to get tested. Northeastern Conference ACS is also running a Warming Center for the homeless community in Newhaven, Connecticut. “Our volunteers continue to work hard. From our drivers to our frontline nurses, physicians, food pantries, and cooks who prepare the meals for our senior and homeless communities in the tri-state area,” said Pr. Augustave.

Click here to read more about their food distribution operations during COVID-19.

COVID-19 Local Conference

ACS Ministries in Montana Respond to COVID-19

On May 27, the ACS Disaster Response team of the Kalispell SDA Church donated PPEs to Kalispell Regional Healthcare Center. Gabriele Miranda-Laub, ACS Director of Montana Conference, assisted by delivering the PPEs which included 1000 masks and 400 gloves to the KRMC Foundation. These supplies were graciously received by Tagan Vine, President of the Foundation. “It was a pleasure to tell him about our organization and our involvement with Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD),” said Gabriele, who was grateful for the opportunity to have played a small part in advocating for our Church and it’s mission.

The Hot Springs ACS Thrift Store has resumed operations after a two-month COVID-19-related shutdown. Situated in the picturesque little town of Hot Springs in Northwest Montana, this traditional thrift store which gives items for free, has been actively serving the local population and surrounding ranching community since 1983. On June 9, Gabriele was able to visit with Dianne Roosma and her team of dedicated volunteers. Dianne has been implementing social distancing in the store and keeping many items outside, weather permitting. As clients enter the store, one of the volunteers will spray their hands with disinfectant and introduce them to the layout, if needed. All the donations are kept outside in the fresh air and sun, if possible, for a couple of days before sorting them out and including them with the merchandise in the store. They were also able to obtain a dozen flood buckets and reusable ACS shopping bags from the Conference, that can be given away with clothing, or cleaning items, depending on their needs. “We’re grateful for this ACS Center and the volunteers that manage it even during challenging times. God is Good!” said Gabriele.

COVID-19 Local Conference

Compassion Alaska Program

Arctic Mission Adventure (AMA), a ministry of the Alaska Conference, has been working hard in their villages throughout COVID-19 with the Compassion Alaska program. Volunteers have sewn over 1500 masks that were sent to seven of the villages, along with donated soaps, hand sanitizers, and other supplies to help keep the villages safe and healthy. They have also been blessed to receive a shipment of PPE from NAD ACS to expand ACS and AMA support throughout Alaska.

View this short video below on the Compassion Alaska program.

Food Aid Local Conference Refugees

Grand Rapids Refugee Food Drive

The Michigan Conference Office family helped feed 420 Rwandan and Burmese refugees in Grand Rapids on May 24, 2020. The director of Michigan Conference Multi-Ethnic Ministries, Bob Stewart, informed the Conference ACS director, Chelli Ringstaff, that there is a need for food in the Grand Rapids refugee communities. There was no question in her mind about what she should do; she knew she had to help. Bob started organizing with the local pastors on the numbers that needed to be fed, while Chelli was figuring out how to get the three items that they really would like – rice, beans, and sweet potatoes. “It seemed that it was nearly impossible to get large quantities of anything. I just kept hitting wall after wall. Not knowing what to do, I took a walk with the Lord and asked for His guidance on what I should do, then the thought came to my mind – ASK THE OFFICE,” said Chelli. So, she ran home and sent out an email to the office and within an hour she had 1,000 pounds of dried beans, 880 pounds of sweet potatoes, monetary donations, and volunteers to buy and pick up the food! They even had a driver! The Conference ACS associate director, Terry Dodge, stepped up and was willing to drive the trailer of food to the two locations.

On the day of the distribution, officers of the Michigan Conference and their families had set up stations at both locations, ready to serve! Those who served were Jim & Gail Micheff; Mike and Cheryl Bernard with their sons, Aaron, Ben, and Caleb; Pastor Bernard; Pastor Cin; and Chelli and her family Justin, Elijah, Emma, and Enoch. At the second site were Royce and Laurie; Wes; Marion; Levi and Liana; and Bob Stewart. They were able to give away 1,800 pounds of dry beans, 1,600 pounds of rice, 2,800 pounds of sweet potatoes, and lots of boxes of bananas donated by Bob Stewart. They served a total of 420 individuals; around 106 families. “This whole project was blessed and led by the Holy Spirit and the generosity and love of those in the office and the ACS leaders of the NAD,” stated Chelli.

COVID-19 Donations Local Conference

Coca Cola Donates 25,000 N95 Masks to Chesapeake Conference

The Chesapeake Conference received a donation of 25,000 N95 masks from Coca Cola this week. The conference ACS Director, Ignacio Goya, and W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS Disaster Response Director, were present on the scene, along with the Director of Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), Strickland. They discussed about the partnership of ACS, Coco Cola, and the State of Maryland before unloading the masks with their support team. The masks will be distributed to community members who are in need of them. Lea stated, “We were pleased to express our gratitude for being able to serve as a resource for those struggling through this challenging time”.