Community Disaster Response

ACS Responds to Florida Shooting

The SDA Church has been a resource to the community at large in the wake of the recent Florida school shooting tragedy in Parkland that occurred on February 14. We have held vigils at some of the churches in the area and also have been able to offer support from the NAD. W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS DR Director, has been in contact with the Florida and Southeastern Regional Conference ACS DR directors to discuss a plan as to how we can render assistance to the affected community in this critical time. The plan calls for two stages: First, we would look for ways to be of benefit to the community; and second, we would concentrate on supporting some of our church members who were directly impacted by the tragic event.

There is a growing need for individuals who are credentialed to work in such environments. We discussed with Florida Hospital which has a Chaplaincy program about the need onsite and they agreed to partner with us in the Recovery efforts. We also connected with a few local Pastors who had reached out to some of those that were present at the school on the day of the shooting. The pastors informed us of the ordeal that some of their church members are experiencing. Currently, we are in the process of getting a Team together by identifying local Adventist counselors who would be willing to provide Emotional & Spiritual Care to those affected.

Below are some helpful tips on how you and your children can cope with trauma in the aftermath of a shooting incident:

  1. Managing Your Distress in the Aftermath of a Mass Shooting
  2. Helping Your Children Manage Distress in the Aftermath of a Shooting
Community Local Church

North Philadelphia Church Offers Free Services

The North Philadelphia SDA Church hosted a two-day free AMEN clinic event offering free medical and dental services to the community. More than 100 volunteers from the church and the community took part in this event, providing care to around 200 people. “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care,” said Marquis Johns, pastor of Allegheny East Conference’s North Philadelphia church. Church leaders partnered with the Adventist Medical Evangelist Network of physicians and dentists who dedicated their time and services at the medical and dental clinics. Not only were the patients blessed by this event, but the volunteers also found pleasure in being of help and service to others. Upon hearing the success of the clinics, a member of the community contacted Pr. Johns and pledged $5,000 toward having the church host another clinic in the near future.

Click Here for Full Article

Community Disaster Response

ACS Continues Work in Airway Heights

The Emergency Management in Spokane County had requested ACS to cover water distribution on Sunday, June 4, while the military was on a special training mission. They asked Latter Day Saints Church to cover on Sabbath as they did not want to disrupt our worship day.

Duane Kraft, an 82-year-old gentleman from the Spokane Valley SDA Church, was one of the volunteers who dedicated their time and services on that day. “I was in church yesterday and they said they needed help and I thought I’d come,” Kraft said. One of the youngest volunteers found on the scene was 16-year-old Philip Keer, who also decided to come out and help rather than spending time at home.

Leonard Westermeyer from Upper Columbia ACS is the Volunteer Coordinator who is in charge of the water distribution for Spokane County. Patty Marsh, UCC ACS Director, is extremely appreciative of Westermeyer’s strong leadership skills.

Watch this video clip to get a glimpse of the work that ACS is doing.


Cimarron & Tina Borland’s Horse Ministry

My children and I help the neighbor with her mini horse farm. Every year, the horses have babies and my daughters and I help halter and lead rope train them, and get them used to being handled. In 2008, a little colt was born and we happened to come to the barn about 15 minutes after the birth occurred. I entered the stall and gently approached Lacey, the mom, and the baby. He was dark brown and white, and he nosed us as we pet him. I fell in love with the little guy so my husband and the owner, Karen Johnson, presented the colt to me as a gift. I prayed that God would bless my gift and show me what to do with him. I had a dream that I took him to a nursing home. So the next day, I called the nearest nursing home to see if they would be interested and they loved the idea. My daughter Kellie, and I started to train Cimarron for his new job.

October 9, 2009 was our first unscheduled visit to the nursing home. We walked down the back hall and put him on the elevator to the offices on the first floor. I said a prayer as we walked up to an aide who was pushing a woman in a wheelchair, unable to predict if Cimarron was ready for the residents. Cimarron walked right up to Patty in her wheelchair, and laid his head in her lap. He let out a sigh as her hands wildly wiped over his eyes, and all my worries were wiped away as I watched God’s love show through His tiny horse and as Patty freely accepted His gift. Cimarron visited everyone with a quiet greeting of love. Some residents hugged him, while others cried, as I watched with wonder. It’s a small thing to share, but the love that God showed through this horse was amazing!

We have taken Cimarron all over Erie county in Pennsylvania. Cimarron gives children rides at the fair and the money donated is given to the Erie SDA church’s community project. As Cimarron got noticed, people began to ask for him for birthday parties. The proceeds would be turned into the church except for $50 from each event would be set aside for Cimarron’s needs, such as halters, a saddle or anything he needed for the horse ministry.

You can’t explain the feeling you get when you see the love that is exchanged by the horse and visitor. God’s love is amazing! – Shared by Tina Borland

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