
ACS Director in Rocky Mountain holds CPR Training

Are you prepared to serve your community in whatever needs come your way?

A training course in Hands Only CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) brought together fourteen church members of the Pueblo First Seventh-day Adventist and three from Canon City Seventh-day Adventist Church congregation to the Pueblo Outreach and Education building to meet the challenge, January 7. (Article published in Newsnuggets Rocky Moutain Conference)
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ACS Rebuilds in Guam


Represent wherever you go!  Written by: W. Derrick Lea, Executive Director, North American Division ACS

It was 6 months ago I received a call from our Federal Government asking if our ACS Rebuild teams were available to help in an effort to get those affected by Typhoon Mawar back into their homes.  The Island of Guam had been affected by this event, which was the worst storm in 20 years, and they were struggling to recover.

So, how did we get this call? Well, five years ago our ACS Rebuild Teams out of Northeastern and Greater New York Conferences were asked to assist the island of Saipan in recovery efforts. Two of our ACS teams traveled there and were instrumental in helping many return safely to their homes after Typhoon Yutu had displaced them in 2017. The experience was like no other for our ACS volunteers as well as for the impacted citizens of Saipan. Unfortunately, the program that funded this effort came to an end. I remember feeling disappointed as I listened to the Federal authorities explain how pleased they were with our work, because I didn’t fully believe them when they explained our efforts would not be forgotten and they would pass on a positive recommendation to whatever administration was in charge, should similar work be needed again in the future.

So, I was a little surprised to get a call almost six years later asking if ACS was interested in working again for FEMA. I placed a few calls to our ACS leadership within Northeastern and Greater New York Conferences, and they immediately responded in the affirmative. And two short months later, we were off to Guam.

Because it had been so long, many of our people were new to this work, but they hit the ground running. The first team from the Northeastern Conference showed up and began assessing the situation on the ground. The team met with those working with FEMA and after a day of planning, ACS began repairing the homes of those affected. And it was evident to all that this team truly served as the hands and feet of Jesus! They began each day early with prayer and thoughtful thanks to God for His leading in the effort. And from the word go, the work was nonstop, despite a schedule that accommodated time off, due to the intense sun. Work continued on designated time off. Working not just to ensure the homes were safe to return to but were livable. The conversations overheard were edifying and consistent and peppered with laughter and love.

And the blessings didn’t stop with team one. The next team showed up a week later from the Greater New York Conference, and they went to work on other projects with a similar spirit.  They also demonstrated a willingness to go above and beyond with the intent of helping our brothers and sisters in a time of crisis.

What an amazing group of people we have representing ACS, and more importantly representing Christ.  I recall being involved in a meeting with the leadership of FEMA on site in Guam. They were talking about the tremendous efforts our team was putting in and they wanted to know where do we get these people? I proudly explained that ACS was an organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and that most of our team members were Seventh Day Adventists. I further explained that we serve because Christ has blessed us to be able to serve others.

With that answer the gentlemen sat back and stated, we need more people like this in the world.  As I thought about his response I realized as Christians, that we really do have an opportunity each day to represent Christ to others, and regardless of where we are and no matter the work we’re involved in, it’s our responsibility to ensure we glorify Christ so others will want to know the One we serve.

Disaster Response Hurricanes NEWS

Valdosta Adventist Community Services collecting supplies for Idalia survivors

Georgia-Cumberland has been asked to join the relief efforts after Hurricane Idalia. Adventist Community Services Coordinator Rhonda Haight says the goal is to help as many as 300 people with supplies such as toiletries, cleaning products, and water. Click below to watch the full news report.

Watch News Report

Rhonda Haight, GA-Cumberland
ACS DR Coordinator
Luis Biazotto, GA-Cumberland
ACS Director and Rhonda
Disaster Response Fires NEWS

Maui Fire ACS Response Update

Update 8/24/23

“Actions speak louder than words,” shared Mark Tamaleaa, sporting an ACS Disaster Response Jacket and a hat with “Love More” emblazoned across it. Mark and his ACS teams have been on the ground in Maui from the beginning of the wildfire emergency. They’ve cooked and served hot meals door to door, battened down roofs and shared how to access resources with people, still in shock by what has happened.

The Hawaii ACS team is diverse, speaking multiple languages, able to break down barriers and connect with many neighbors. They are in the process of acquiring upgraded equipment so they can offer mobile showers and laundry services then sit and love on people over high-quality meals cooked by the Aunties.

“I’m excited about the ACS team working in Hawaii. We have professionals doing a professional job. We praise God for the connections happening between the community, VOAD, Hawaii Conference and other officials to bring relief to the people of Maui,” says Leon Brown, ACS Director for Pacific Union Conference. 

The islands have been inundated by donated goods to the point that hundreds of containers are tying up precious port space. As is always true in the early phases of a disaster, cash donations are best.

Posted 8/21/23 – Hawaii Official Update (

From:  W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS Executive Director

Re:       Update as of August 15, 2023

Recovery efforts in Hawaii continue to take shape as Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations join hands to support those affected.  This effort continued Monday morning, as ACS along with over 150 groups discussed the status of Recovery in Maui. The Hawaii Governor yesterday issued an order restricting the rental of rooms to those that are residents of Maui.  This will enable those displaced to be able to obtain lodging. To that end, ACS continues to provide shelter for over 50 individuals that have been forced to leave their homes.  Currently, we are providing lodging, food and Emotional Spiritual Care to these individuals.

In addition to providing this much needed service, ACS has been asked to work with the Donations section out of the Emergency Operations Command Center in Maui. 

As of Monday August 15, fires continue burning in 3 locations and 4,890 residents are currently without power.  Our Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is assisting these efforts as well with 250 employees on island at present. 

ACS will continue participating in the daily conference call that is taking place each morning over the next few weeks. Yesterday morning, ACS Disaster Response held a conference call to discuss relief efforts in the coming days. 

The support received had been appreciated. As suggested since the first day of this event, cash is best, and donations can be made via the following:

COVID-19 Download Tornadoes

Post Tornado Relief Update

After an EF4 tornado leveled the small town of Rolling Fork, Mississippi, on March 24, 2023 it hopscotched across other cities in Sharkey County, plus Carroll, Humphreys, and Monroe counties. The tornado began near Rolling Fork and moved 30 miles northeast through Silver City and traveled into Amory, Mississippi.

            Rolling Fork, MS/ Silver City, MS – Rising Star SDA Church distribution center started the day after the tornado – Saturday, March 25, 2023.

            Amory, MS – West Amory SDA Church distribution center operation started Monday,      March 27, 2023.

            Both disaster operations will continue through July 2023.

Many citizens have expressed their gratitude for what we have been doing in Rolling Fork. They are grateful to see a church that is helping people during their time of need. Many times people have exclaimed, You all just don’t know how much of a help you all are!” There have also been many who we have prayed with after hearing their stories of loss and the tears that have accompanied. It will take so long to rebuild but we are here for the long haul, the response, recovery and the restoration. We are so grateful for ACS, the surrounding Adventist churches, and other partners and agencies who have assisted us in helping the city of Rolling Fork. – Pastor Shannon Crawford (Rolling Fork, MS – Rising Star)

The clients we are serving are very appreciative of what we are doing here in Amory,       Mississippi. We had one lady who stopped by our distribution site and stated, “I pass by here every day and see how hard you all are working. I would like to pay for lunch for each one of you.” Others have expressed they don’t know what they would have done if we were not here providing the basic supplies that they desperately need. – Lester Armstrong (Amory, MS ACS DR Distribution Manager)


Amory, Mississippi ACS Distribution Center
Number of families served: 2,433
Number of volunteers: 397
Number of volunteer hours: 1,545

Rolling Fork, Mississippi/Silver City, Mississippi ACS Distribution Center
Number of families served: 1,782
Number of volunteers: 203
Number of volunteer hours: 974

The value of supplies distributed for both disaster operations: $64,619.00

Local Conference NEWS Refugees

Empowered Students: Making an Impact through Community Action

In March, at the Southwestern Union Convention snack bags were made by attendees and sent for the service project ‘More Compassion’ in El Paso. Along with the snack bags, the older students from El Paso Jr Academy, known as the upper graders, enthusiastically packed hygiene kits, blankets and the bags of love for the homeless. The Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) students and local college students distributed these bags all around El Paso as immigrants and homeless are scattered throughout the city.

Also, the hygiene kits, made at the convention are being requested by Dallas County Emergency Management, along with blankets, hand sanitizer and bottled water that will go to benefit refugees as they are transferred out of Dallas, offering them some comfort during their challenging journey.

Deborah Gendke, Associate Director of ACS Texas Conference shared a deep expression of gratitude to all who participated in the Union Convention and service project. Their involvement made a significant difference in the lives of those they reached.



Carolyn Lipscomb, South Georgia Adventist Community Services (ACS) Coordinator, was recognized at the Georgia State Capitol for her work serving the older population in south Georgia on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. State Representative Noel Williams presented the Distinguished Older Georgian Award on behalf of the Georgia Council on Aging.

“I am greatly humbled and honored to be the recipient of this award,” said Lipscomb during the awards ceremony. Every month, Lipscomb oversees the delivery of 25,000 to 30,000 pounds of food to low-income seniors. READ MORE

Disaster Response Tornadoes

Updates on recent Tornadoes

ACS is continuing to support the community in the State of Mississippi after the horrific tornado hit last Sabbath morning.  Currently, our Gulf State ACS team is on the ground assisting those whose homes and properties have been ravaged by the strong winds.  Cleaning of these properties can be costly and time-consuming to the owners and in some cases these individuals don’t have the resources nor physical strength to complete these tasks.  Trained ACS volunteers for this type of work have stepped in to help those affected.

ACS South Central teams continue their efforts focusing on the hard-hit areas of Rolling Fort and Amory, Mississippi.  The Amory SDA Church was destroyed, and the Amory Methodist Church is partnering with them to host the Amory distribution site. 

Certified ACS people will provide Emotional & Spiritual Care at one of the distribution sites to those affected by this major disaster. 

………Tornadoes have touched down in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Locals are accessing situation.  ACS will stay abreast of the status of response to this most recent event

Disaster Response Tornadoes


Photo Credit: Jaylin R. Smith/School of Journalism & New Media Graduate Student ( – Ole Miss)

The recent tornadoes in Mississippi have caused widespread damage and devastation, leaving many families without homes, food, or basic necessities. The South Central Conference Adventist Community Services Disaster Response (ACSDR) has begun to provide aid and assistance to those affected by the tornadoes.

Even in the midst of their own loss, the Amory Adventist Church is stepping up to help their community. It’s a powerful reminder that the church is not just a building, but a group of compassionate people making a difference. Please partner with ACS DR to help ensure that families have access to food, shelter, and other vital resources they need to rebuild their lives.

Ways to Contribute:

  • CashApp: Handle: $iamsouthcentral
  • Mail: South Central Conference
    Mississippi Tornadoes Response
    715 Youngs Lane
    Nashville, TN 37207

We are grateful for the dedication and commitment of ACS volunteers who are serving others during this crisis. Continue to keep them and all those affected by the tornado in our thoughts and prayers.


NPUC Hosts ACS Disaster Response and Training Seminars

The event was available to all and included three main tracks: a Community Emergency Response Team certification, emotional and spiritual care certification and Adventist Thrift Ministries summit. Read More

Published in NorthWest Adventists by Makena Horton