Disaster Response Hurricanes

ACS Responds to Hurricane Michael

Just over ten days after Hurricane Florence hit North Carolina, Category 4 Hurricane Michael made landfall inland over the Florida Panhandle area early Thursday morning, leaving several parts of the State in ruin. Some of the most severely hit places include Mexico Beach and Panama City. Fatalities and destruction were also reported in the States of Georgia, Alabama, Virginia, and also the Carolinas.

The NAD ACS Disaster Response, Southern Union, and the affected States’ Conference ACS leaders have been in communication to discuss the positioning of our team members for Recovery Efforts throughout the affected States. The NAD, along with ADRA, made financial support available to each affected area through grant opportunities for their corresponding Conferences. We have also assigned some Contact people the responsibility of being our liaison to the State VOADs in the affected states of FL, AL, GA and NC, thus enabling us to gain understanding of the preparations that others are involved in as well.

The following Recovery Efforts are now taking place as we develop our response in key areas in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia:

  1. Conferences are working to obtain items for the cleanup kits/flood buckets that will be needed in the coming weeks as Recovery efforts begin.
  2. The South Central and Gulf States conferences have set up Distribution sites for incoming donations.
  3. Deliveries of nonperishable food items, hygiene kits, and etc. are being prepared by Southeastern and Florida conferences.
  4. Tallahassee Spanish SDA church has agreed to set up a Distribution Center for the community within the next few days.
  5. Seeking feeding trucks to work in partnership with Salvation Army and State officials to feed communities.
  6. The State of FL has asked us to have a team ready for the management of a Warehouse in Tallahassee. Both Florida and Southeast conferences are identifying individuals for this team.
  7. Also, the Seminole and Daugherty counties in GA have requested Warehouses and we currently are working with them to identify a facility that can house these operations.
Disaster Response Hurricanes

Hurricane Florence Response Continues

Our ACS Disaster Response Teams continue to be actively involved in the Hurricane Florence Recovery Efforts in North Carolina. Last week, the Chesapeake Conference delivered flood buckets, non-perishable food, and other items to the Ephesus SDA Church distribution site in Wilmington. The Chesapeake ACS Director Ignacio Goya and ACS DR Director John Belliveau, brought the Conference truck and trailer to the Middletown Valley SDA Church where they picked up several boxes of the supplies and went to the warehouse at Highland View Academy to fill 100 flood buckets. The Martinsburg SDA Church helped them coordinate their driver, Doug Ivany, who along with his wife, loaded up the trailer and delivered the supplies. The Ephesus SDA Church in New Bern also received buckets, cleaning supplies, and food from Tad Long of the Keene SDA Church of the Texas Conference. Furthermore, the Southwestern Union delivered over 2,000 buckets and hygiene kits.

The Recovery Efforts also took place in Whiteville and Fayetteville. About 25 Whiteville SDA Church members which also included some youth worked with the ACS DR Team to unload about 500 flood buckets. The Fayetteville community received over 1000 buckets and 1000 hygiene kits. On Sabbath, October 8, our Team members distributed these supplies via three separate mobile Distribution Units that were set up since many people in these areas don’t have transportation.

We also had the Northeastern Conference ACS DR Team led by Dr. Fitzgerald Kerr arrive in North Carolina late Sunday night to begin ‘muck-out’. Many of the homes which had been assessed over the course of last week, are now ready to be cleaned out and have debris removed. We concentrate our services on those that might be overlooked or denied flood insurance coverage and have limited options. “This work is needed, and ACS DR is being a light to the community, who in some cases have their first opportunity to hear of the Seventh Day Adventist Church during this most challenging time,” said W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS Disaster Response Director.

Disaster Response Hurricanes

ACS Recovery Efforts in Wilmington, NC

Besides Fayetteville and New Bern, the town of Wilmington in North Carolina was also severely impacted by the flooding. The community was benefited from the 500 ACS flood buckets and other needed items that were distributed by our volunteers. The South Atlantic’s Ephesus SDA Church in Wilmington opened up their parking lot to set up a Distribution Center over the weekend. One of our ACS DR teams from the Greater New York Conference (GNYC) lent their support to the community. The ACS shower trailer from Michigan Conference also arrived, so that our workers could clean themselves after each day of work.

While Ephesus provided housing, the Carolina Conference’s Wilmington SDA Church coordinated the feeding for the arriving Team from GNYC. Wilmington had prepared breakfast for our GNYC Team who was scheduled to arrive early morning. However, due to detours along the way, they had informed the church that they would be arriving about an hour and a half later. Upon hearing this, Pr. George Wennerberg and his church members took the breakfast to Ephesus to begin serving the community. The GNYC Team finally arrived with 16 people and two vehicles. After having breakfast, they met with Derrick Lea and the leader of the Distribution Site, Cheryl Sparks. They reviewed the assessments that had been conducted over the previous two days, and outlined those homes that needed cleaning. By noon, our Team members had arrived at the homes where residents met them as if they were family.

Another service we will be offering to the community is Walmart gift cards. Rather than handing out money during events such as these, a process must be created that ensures everyone is treated in an equitable manner. Since resources are limited, we must be able to prove there is a system in place that guarantees fairness in distribution. The criteria for the gift cards would be based on the degree of damage done to a person’s home. ‘Damage Assessment’, one of the courses given by Derrick Lea, teaches students how to categorize homes that have been damaged by weather events and creates levels of damage to a structure. This class was conducted with both South Atlantic and Carolina conference team members in attendance. They’re all certified now and have begun assessing homes. This enables us to designate help based on the level of damage to a person’s home.

Disaster Response Hurricanes Uncategorized

ACS DR Continues in Fayetteville and New Bern

ACS DR Teams and volunteers from both the Carolina and South Atlantic conferences are working tirelessly to provide relief to communities within the State of North Carolina. On Tuesday morning, they joined the Abney Chapel SDA Church in Fayetteville, NC, to assist with food distribution. Individuals that have been affected arrived at the Community Center to get both hot meals and nonperishable food items. Despite the challenging situation, many had pleasant and even jovial conversations with our Team members. Several of our partners from the city and faith-based communities have made donations to our Community Center. Some of the city leaders have even asked our Teams to assist them also during this tragic time. The Carolina Conference ACS DR Director, Phil Rosburg, opened up a Warehouse in Winnesboro, South Carolina to receive and stock donated products. He delivered a 28-foot truck from the Warehouse stocked with needed items for a Distribution that took place at the Ephesus SDA Church later this week.

The flood waters had severely affected homes in the communities and surrounding areas. Residents were desperate for food as many of their homes had taken on water and contaminated the products they had. With stores still not open, many were unable to obtain necessities needed for daily living. On Wednesday morning, the Ephesus Church building and parking lot turned into a Distribution site for the community. People from the neighborhood who had come for our services were accompanied by our Team members and given food supplies and household items. For seniors and others who could not carry their own items, young volunteers used hand trucks to carry these items for them. Community members were also offered a hot meal prepared by a local chef and served by ACS DR members.

W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS DR Director, met with the Carolina Conference ACS Director and the pastor and staff of the English SDA Church in New Bern of how best to assist the community. Their sister Church, the New Bern Spanish SDA Church, had been housing over 200 people in their church building who had run out of food, and were apprehensive about seeking governmental help as IDs were being requested. However, the church was decimated with over six feet of water during the height of Florence. The airplane delivery of food was helpful in sustaining the people during their initial recovery. All of those that were being housed had to be evacuated and now were spread out in the city at various shelters.

As the current needs of the affected population are being discussed, it was pointed out that the greatest need was for shelter and cleaning materials. Many stories and testimonies were shared of families that had lost everything. Our Warehouse in Winnesboro will continue to be involved in distributing supplies to the communities in both Fayetteville and New Bern. The Ephesus and the New Bern English churches will work together to determine how supplies are delivered in the most efficient way for the two communities that have experienced this traumatic event.

Disaster Response Hurricanes

Hurricane Florence Hits the East Coast

#HurricaneFlorence – September 24 Update

Hurricane Florence may have left the United States a week ago, but the effects of this weather-related tragedy are being felt across most of the eastern portions of North Carolina. Some of the most devastated areas include Wilmington, New Bern, and Fayetteville. The Carolina and South Atlantic Conferences that were directly affected by this disaster are working hard to determine how best to assist in this Recovery effort.

The Carolina Conference has set up a Warehouse in Winnesboro, SC, where supplies such as flood buckets, paper towels and tissues, food items, household items, and etc. are being stored. Phil Rosburg, the conference ACS DR Director, operates this facility by loading pallets of items that are being donated, and then transporting them to Centers where they’ll be distributed to those in need. Another area where we are engaged in is New Bern. Assessments of the New Bern community will be done by ACS DR and Southern University students.

The South Atlantic Conference ACS DR Teams met with the city leaders of Wilmington, and also the church leaders of the Ephesus SDA Church. They discussed the situation and developed a plan of action based on a ‘needs list’ for the area. A door to door assessment of the surrounding community will be conducted by local ACS volunteers, followed by Distribution of donated goods for the community. On Tuesday, a food distribution is planned in Fayetteville with the city officials for hot meals. On Wednesday, the Greater New York Conference DR Team, led by Walter Harris, will be arriving to assist in these communities.

Let us continue to remember the communities that have been affected, as well as the DR Teams that are actively involved in the Recovery Efforts.

Hurricane Florence is gradually making its way towards the East Coast mainland and is expected to make landfall late Thursday night/early Friday morning around the Carolinas. W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS DR Director, met with the directors and coordinators of the Southern and Columbia Unions and some of the Conferences under the respective Unions: Carolina, South Atlantic, Allegheny East, Chesapeake, Potomac, and New Jersey. Our ACS DR Teams in the mentioned conferences appear positioned well. They have developed a plan of action for this type of a crisis event. Flood buckets are in place throughout each State that is in danger. Personal care kits are available and ready for use. Warehousing agreements are in place and our teams await the exact location for operations to begin. Some conferences that may not take a direct hit as anticipated earlier, are on standby to assist with the Recovery Efforts. We continue to have conversation with the State, American Red Cross, and ADRA as to how we might work in concert as Recovery begins. Please keep our ACS DR teams and each of the communities that will be affected in your prayers.

Educational Events

Nonprofit Leadership Certification Program 2018

The ACS Nonprofit Leadership Certification Program (NLCP) 2018 was held at Andrews University from September 4-7 (Tuesday – Friday). It was co-sponsored by the North American Division ACS in partnership with Andrews University, Philanthropic Services for Institutions, and Adventist Risk Management. The event was well-attended by over 40 participants from the US, Canada, UK, South Korea, and Myanmar. We had a diverse group that consisted of ACS directors, ADRA leaders, pastors, students, and directors and coordinators from various ministries such as Personal, Compassion, Prayer, and Health Ministry.

The workshops included topics on holistic ministry, community assessment and program development, urban ministry, leadership and team development, ministering cross-culturally, risk management, legal issues, fundraising strategies, grant proposal writing, marketing and communications, volunteer engagement, performance measurement for ministries, and logic model development. The last session of the event ended on Friday afternoon with presentations by each participant on how they can utilize the Logic Model method in enhancing their own community outreach programs and activities.

Visit our NAD ACS Facebook page for photos.

Disaster Response Educational Events

ACS Participation in Emergency Management Training

ACS and ADRA participated in an innovative Emergency Management Training program from August 26-31. ADRA coordinated the effort, taking the lead in training sessions and managing the simulation exercise.

Five ACS DR Team members started the training with a three-day classroom session, and ended with a simulation that took place for another three days. The participants received expert knowledge in International response. Some of the topics included Communications, Protection, Cultural Parameters around the world, and United Nations assistance. In addition to the onsite classroom work, each person was required to take over 40 hours of online training prior to class attendance.

The second half of the training called for an exciting simulation exercise when ADRA staff whisked the participants away to an undisclosed location. The exercise entailed real life team deployment, hostages by actors from the community, and objectives and deadlines that had to be met in a way that ultimately served the public best. A part of the exercise involved the Team members being awakened at 3 am by local community participants screaming about a flooding that had destroyed a village next door. Though all this was simulated activity, the realism of the participants raised heart rates throughout the camp.

Even though both ACS and ADRA work with partners outside of the church like the Red Cross, Salvation Army, and even Governmental authorities; however, up until this time we had not the opportunity to work together in such an endeavor. W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS DR Director, said “While we both respond to similar disasters, typically the need within the NAD and outside of this area are different. Understanding the rules and environment each of us operates under requires expanding our knowledge, skills and abilities”. Expressing his excitement, Lea continued “I am truly proud of the dedication, enthusiasm and proficiency of our ACS DR team. I also believe a foundation has been laid for more collaborative efforts with ADRA”.

Educational Emotional & Spiritual Care

ACS Offers Emotional & Spiritual Care Session in Rwanda

Our first ACS Emotional and Spiritual Care class outside of the North American Division was conducted last week in Rwanda. The ‘Assisting Individuals in Crisis’ course was taught by W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS Disaster Response Director, in the city of Kigali from August 13-15. A few months ago ADRA Rwanda reached out to us asking if we’d be willing to offer guidance in Emotional Spiritual Care training to their team onsite. Many of the other ADRA country offices in Africa also expressed interest in attending the training, as well. We had 35 people from seven countries (Rwanda, South Sudan, Burundi, Congo, Kenya, and Tanzania) that turned up for it.

One of the clearest indications of how different some of our work is within the NAD occurred during the introductions when each participant was asked to say their name along with a disaster they had responded to in the last six months. The list of events that was compiled included cholera, malaria, Ebola outbreaks, refugee influxes, cyclones, drought, and mudslides. War conflicts within countries were also highlighted as one of the major crises. These events signify the degree of trauma many in attendance were dealing with daily. As the first day of the class began, it was evident that the attendees had a need to share their experiences and the challenge of meeting their concerns was one Derrick took very seriously.

Each day of the session focused on how part of our task was to offer support to communities that in several cases were still recovering from crisis events in various areas. An example of this was described by one of the country directors from the South Congo. Since war has been a reality in this area for over 20 years, many of those he encounters have been displaced from their homes and living in a refugee camp for 5-10 years, which is beyond the norm and original intent of a refugee camp. These families continue to be impacted by the loss of a home and exposure to an outbreak of cholera in the area, leaving them in a perpetual state of crisis. These are the type of multilevel events that compound an already challenging situation.

Another country director spoke of communities that are in such a sense of shock that they will not verbalize or communicate the level of tragedy to anyone trying to help or assist them in any way. This challenge complicates the assessment of the needed support for this group. These are the type of issues that were discussed over the course of the session with those in attendance. The responses we received from them was overwhelmingly positive. “I hope we can again work out the particulars of how ACS and ADRA can work together in support of communities that experience crisis around the world. As we become more familiar with the strengths both organizations bring to recovery efforts, those affected will ultimately be better served by the Seventh-day Adventist Church,” said Derrick.

Here are a few photos of the Emotional & Spiritual Care session in Rwanda:

Educational Local Church Partnership

ACS ‘CHOP’ Program with Ochsner Foundation

The ACS Center of Westbank United SDA Church in New Orleans, Louisiana, recently entered into a collaboration with Ochsner Foundation Healthcare System to offer children in their community ‘The CHOP Toolkit’. The acronym CHOP stands for “Cooking Up Healthy Options and Portions”, which complements the health message of our Church very well. The purpose of this program is to teach the children of our congregations and neighborhoods the importance of good nutrition, eating small portions, as well as learning to safely use kitchen tools.

The CHOP Toolkit is a eight-to-ten week program, providing the necessary space for teaching and cooking vegetarian meals. It will include communicating regularly with the CHOP basic staff, completing a pre and post test with participants, and providing documentation and receipts for purchases that were made through Walmart gift cards that were supplied for food supplies.

The first summer event of the CHOP program was held from June 13-July 16 at the Westbank United SDA Church. It was sponsored by Ochsner Foundation, Westbank United SDA Church, City of New Orleans Tricentennial Committee and Neighborhood Engagement, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Washington, and Colistics Pharmacy. The activity schedule included the following; 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m – Cooking lessons and Lunch; 2:00 to 3:00 p.m – Recreation/Break; 3:15 to 4:00 p.m – Anger Management/Problem Solving; 4:00 to 4:50 p.m – Christian Grooming and Manners; and at 5:00 p.m was Dismissal.

Each child and staff member were given a study manual and an apron. The CHOP Instructor Manual was supplied by Irene H. Williams, Director of ACS Center of the Westbank United SDA Church. “The children and staff had a wonderful learning experience together. The children had fun while learning to cook and work as a team”, said Ms. Williams. She is excited about this new collaborative opportunity and is looking forward to many more events like this in the future.

Disaster Response Fires

ACS Responds to Recent Fires

As the temperatures increase nationwide, so are crisis events in some of our communities around the Division. Wildfires have been raging across the Western States for the past few months. At present, one of the most volatile areas is in Northern California. Fire Departments have reported challenges attempting to extinguish wildfires that have increased over time. In Redding, where several homes have sustained severe damage, only around 35% of the fire has been contained. Jim Oliver, our Northern California Conference ACS DR Coordinator, expressed concern for some of those that reside in this area as he is still out of his home from the impact of last year’s fire destructive fire. Lodging has been secured for those that have been forced out of their homes. Jim is checking with all our local area churches to ascertain what type of support we can offer to those affected by these ravaging forces. While no Warehousing needs have been requested by the County nor State, Jim has teams on standby should a need arise for management of a Warehouse. Additionally, NCC also stands ready to provide shelter to those in need as we have provided training to seven area churches within the Conference in Sheltering earlier this year. At present, the Conference is highlighting the need for financial support in lieu of donated goods.

Northern California is not the only Western State being affected by fires. Oregon is also experiencing dry weather which has led to wildfires. Laura Pascoe, our Oregon Conference ACS Coordinator, has been in contact with State officials. Though the fires have not been as devastating to the community, Laura and her team are on standby should the need arise. Washington State is also dry this time of year and reports have identified a couple of wildfires that the local ACS DR Team is keeping an eye on. The Lake Region Conference has set up and is managing a Warehouse and Distribution Center in Mt. Prospect, IL after a six-story building complex sustained major fire and water damage. Our lead Debra Davis-Moody and her Team is managing this operation.