ADRA Partnership

ACS Partners With ADRA In Puerto Rico Aid

Puerto Rico has been severely struck by more than 500 earthquakes just within a couple of days causing widespread destruction. The most devastating one in these series of earthquakes that hit the island last Tuesday was reported to be a magnitude 6.4.

ADRA International Emergency Management Director, Mario de Oliveria, and his team are on the ground leading the Recovery Efforts. The major need currently is shelter as many are afraid to return to their homes due to aftershocks. ADRA is distributing 200 tents to house families who are displaced.

Another essential need is blankets which we were requested to help with. Several of our union and conference ACS teams have shown support by providing hundreds of blankets. We have also acquired a significant donation of over 1000 blankets filling four pallets, from our Southwestern Union ACS led by Marshall and Julie Gonzales. They will be transported to San Juan for distribution.

Please keep the survivors of these earthquakes, as well as those who have been affected by other disasters recently, in your prayers. Let us also remember the responders as they bring aid to these communities.

Community Food Aid

ACSGW Thanksgiving Basket Distribution

The Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington (ACSGW) located in Silver Spring, Maryland, organized a three-day Thanksgiving Basket Distribution event from November 25 – 27. The 30-pound basket consisted of a turkey, bread, vegetables, and other food items.

About 1,000 needy families from Montgomery County received assistance, an indicator that government-supported food assistance doesn’t come close to meeting the need, Ken Flemmer, the Executive Director of ACSGW, said. The recipients who were mostly from Takoma Park and Silver Spring, waited patiently in line to check in and receive their basket.

The main sponsors of this event include Montgomery County, State of MD, Sligo and Takoma Park SDA churches, SDA World HQ, Steve Francis Foundation, White Oak Medical Center, and TA Prep School.

ACSGW has been serving the community for 36 years. Besides food distribution, the center also provides clothing, tutoring, summer youth programs, and computer and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. In a few weeks, they will be organizing a Christmas Basket Distribution where they will also give away toys to families with children.

Click here to read more!


Dr. Fitzgerald Kerr Retires from ACS

Dr. W. Fitzgerald Kerr graduated from the Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, in Berrien Springs, Michigan. After graduation, he worked with the New York City Board of Education as a Substance Abuse Intervention Prevention Specialist.

Since Dr. Kerr was an experienced ordained pastor who previously served in the South Caribbean Conference of the Inter-American Division, he subsequently, joined the Northeastern Conference as a district pastor in February 1992. He served in Springfield, MA, Providence, RI, and Brooklyn, NY.

While in Brooklyn, he facilitated the development of a series of community ministries initiatives in the local church where he pastored. As a result, this church was open all day every day of the week. One ministry focused on training individuals to enter the world of work as office receptionists, secretaries, cashiers, and retail salesclerks. Another ministry was the operation of a dental clinic. They also offered classes in computer literacy, computer repair, and GED. In addition, one ministry focused on a community exercise with the establishment of a full gym, while another focused on a night shelter to accommodate homeless individuals.

Dr. Kerr joined Northeastern Conference ACS in 1998 and has served in this department as ACS Director and Disaster Response Director for the past twenty-one years. During this time, he also served as Health Ministries Director, and Sabbath School Ministries Director.

While serving as ACS Director, he facilitated the Northeastern Conference in hosting numerous workshops and seminars. The major ones dealt with Non-Profit Leadership, Philanthropy, Proposal Preparation for Funding, Crisis Counseling, Emergency Sheltering, Disaster Residential Assessment, Donation Operation, Introduction to Disaster Preparedness, Immigration Legal Services, Medicare/Medicaid/Welfare Education, and Adventist Community Services Operation.

During his time as Disaster Response Director of the Conference, Dr. Kerr undertook numerous disaster response missions locally and internationally. Some of these included responding to:

  • Hurricane Ivan, Grenada, W.I. 2004
  • Hurricane Gustav, Louisiana, 200
  • 2010 Earthquake in Haiti, 2010 – 2016
  • Hurricane Matthew, 2016
  • Southern Haiti, 2016 – 2018
  • Tornado of Springfield, MA, 2011
  • Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2005 – 2012
  • Super Storm Sandy, 2011 – 2012
  • Hurricane Harvey, Houston TX, 2017
  • Hurricane Maria, Dominica, W.I. 2017 – 2018
  • Hurricane Florence, Wilmington NC, 2018
  • Hurricane Michael Panama City, Fl, 2018
  • Typhoon Yutu, Saipan, 2018 – 2019

The time has arrived for Dr. Kerr to step aside and allow new leadership to move Northeastern Conference ACS to the next level. “I am ever grateful and appreciative for the privilege and opportunity of serving and developing in the ACS department and Northeastern Conference”, stated Dr. Kerr.

It has truly been a privilege and an honor to have Dr. Kerr serve in the ACS ministry. We want to express our sincere gratitude to him for his dedication, commitment, and remarkable leadership skills; and also want to wish him the best in his next phase of life.

Disaster Response Hurricanes

ACS Responds to Hurricane Dorian

As Hurricane Dorian was developing and threatening the East Coast, ACS Teams were ready and on stand-by to serve survivors as needed.

The South Atlantic Conference team opened a shelter in Orangeburg, SC. There were around 150 people housed on their campground until they were able to return safely home.

Florida and Southeastern Conferences opened collection centers throughout the state to receive goods that would help those affected by the storm. Letter from the President of Southeastern Conference.

Carolina and Georgia-Cumberland Conferences stood by ready and waiting for touchdown of the hurricane in parts of their area.

We are thankful that the Hurricane did not wreak havoc in the North American Division territory, and we praise God that even though most of our conferences were unaffected, our teams were ready and prepared for the worst.

Click here for more information from The South Bahamas Conference and how you can help.

We appreciate all your prayers and support.

Oshkosh Pathfinders

ACS at Oshkosh Pathfinder Camporee

Adventist Community Services Disaster Response was engaged in the International Pathfinder Camporee that was held August 12-17 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. ACS personnel from the Texas, Arkansas-Louisiana, and Greater New York conferences offered tremendous help in ensuring that we offered two Pathfinder Honors to hundreds of our young people who visited our stations. Several attendees were appreciative of the opportunity to not only obtain a Pathfinder Honor, but to also be able to serve their community in the future with the skills and knowledge provided. The focus was based around Preparedness and Recovery efforts, both areas ACS DR is involved in throughout the year.

Pathfinder clubs from around the world stopped by and took advantage of our stations. Texas and Arkansas-Louisiana conferences led our efforts in educating and preparing individuals for tornadoes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. The children appeared engrossed as they sat and listened to Lavida Whitson and Beverly Wynot who stressed the importance of ensuring readiness before a crisis. Marshall and Julie Gonzales took each participant through the actual hands-on work that goes into filling flood buckets with supplies. The young people showed an excitement that seemed to resonate throughout Area 51, where we were located.

The positive vibe continued as groups were then whisked away to our Rebuild station led by Walter Harris of Greater New York Conference. Here they were informed about what happens during some of the events we generally respond to. Moreover, they were able to work on a makeshift home, preparing drywall replacement in a room… the very work we participated in during several hurricane Recovery efforts in the past few years. Tools and equipment were used by the youth and they thoroughly seemed to enjoy the real work they actually got to assist. “Some of them spoke of wanting to do more, and our hope is we’ve created a desire that we’ll be able to provide opportunity in the future,” stated W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS DR director.

In addition to the sheer enjoyment that seemed to permeate the activities, by the end of the week not only had we ensured hundreds of young people visiting our stations, we were able to prepare 5,000 flood buckets that were then transported around the NAD. These complete buckets will now be housed until needed for the next disaster.

Click here to view photos from this event.

Disaster Response Emotional & Spiritual Care

ACS Responds to Mass Shooting – El Paso and Dayton

Update – August 8, 2019

The Family Assistance Center in El Paso has been serving those affected by the shooting. Yesterday, the Center helped over 200 people. The city officials informed the leadership within the Disaster Response community that they would be taking over the operation. Though this did not affect our work on the ground much, another event took place that had a very definite impact on the operation. President Trump had decided to visit both Dayton and El Paso today. However, several residents were against this visit and a protest was set up at the Walmart where the shooting took place in Texas. Many of those that were expected to visit the Center decided to go and voice their opinions at the protest. Hence, today’s numbers were around 50. The team was not deterred in the least, and our Emotional and Spiritual Care Providers gave assistance to those that did visit the facility.

Our Disaster Response Team met with the Mexican Consulate this morning to ascertain how we might be of more help to the Latino population at large that live both Stateside and across the border. It is believed that some of those injured may not be coming for help because of their legal status. Regardless of this situation, our team members were ready to help all those who were in need of our services and this point was stressed repeatedly. Our current team will be in place for the remainder of this week. We have planned a second team to be used starting Sunday who will continue to render care to those affected. Our Care Providers have been observed and well-appreciated by those receiving services, as well as members of the Disaster Response Community.

Derrick Lea, Director of Adventist Community Services Disaster Response, met with American Red Cross and Emergency Management contacts overseeing the Family Assistance Center for families affected by the horrific shootings in El Paso, Texas. A team of ACS bi-lingual Emotional & Spiritual Care providers were approved and vetted to assist and support the individuals and families experiencing great trauma. In addition, Andrew Mobley, Adventist Community Services Director of Allegheny West Conference has reached out to the local leadership in Dayton, Ohio and has a team on stand-by. Read more here!

Please pray for the ACS teams as well as the families that are suffering due to this tragedy.


Passing of Gordon Botting

With a heavy heart, we regret to announce that Gordon Botting, retired Northern California Conference Adventist Community Services Director, passed away on Thursday night, July 11. Besides ACS, he also served as Director of Health and Stewardship for the conference. He was very passionate about all three ministries as they enabled church members to reach out to their communities. At the time of his death, he was serving as the Stewardship Director for the Pacific Union Conference.

“I am so saddened to hear this news. I did ask him about his health two weeks ago when we talked, and he gave a simple response that God was good,” said W. Derrick Lea, Disaster Response Director of NAD ACS. Both Gordon and his wife were always so friendly and welcoming. Derrick added, “I stayed with them in their home a few times and they were such a loving couple… I am so sorry to hear this and makes my desire even more for Christ’s return.”

Gordon is survived by his wife Margaret, his daughter Angela Graf (and husband Ricardo), his son Tim (and wife Dusty), and five grandchildren.

On behalf of ACS, we extend our deepest condolences to the Botting family. We are truly grateful for Gordon’s dedication and remarkable service to ACS, and are appreciative of all he has done to serve his community.

A memorial service is being planned. Details will be shared on the Northern California Conference website, when it’s available.


Adventists Support Families at the Border

In light of influx of immigrants at the Border, Adventist Community Services is finding ways to support families experiencing the Border Crisis in California and Texas. As was reported by the Los Angeles Times, a way that a Seventh-day Adventist Church in Blythe, California (part of the Southeastern California Conference), has addressed community needs is by setting up a shelter at their church. The church, which started helping the homeless in 2018, has been doing this for several months, and local Adventist Community Services Disaster Response (ACS DR) leaders have requested assistance. Click here to read full article.

Disaster Response

ACS DR Efforts Around the Division

Our ACS teams around the Division continue to assist their local communities in response to the recent disasters that have occurred in the past few weeks. Allegheny West ACS Director Andrew Mobley, is working alongside the Ohio Conference, Kettering Medical, and other faith-based groups as they serve the residents of tornado-struck Dayton. Kettering Medical has fed over 3,500 meals to those in the affected ares.

The Multi-Agency Warehouse in Jefferson City, Missouri, has been serving the needs of the communities affected by the tornadoes and flooding. The Mid-America Union Conference is seeking additional support from within the Union, and ACS Director Roger Wade is working with his team to offer support. The Lt. Governor visited the Warehouse and thanked them for their dedicated efforts.

The Southwestern Union is also working hard to support a local community in Arkansas that was hit by severe flooding. Our ACS Directors Marshall and Julie Gonzales have made deliveries of food, clothing, and flood buckets to the State, and are aiding Lavida Whitson and her team as they serve those currently housed in shelters. The city of Baton Rouge in Louisiana was also hit by a tornado recently. Marshall is currently monitoring the situation, and is in talks with the State on how we can be of support to them in their Recovery.

Let us remember those who have been affected by these disasters in our prayers.

Disaster Response

ACS DR Efforts in Southwestern Union

ACS Disaster Response personnel in the Southwestern Union Conference have been engaged in Recovery Efforts post severe flooding in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas. The Arkansas river has hit a record-breaking crest level. Around 500 families and some businesses have been impacted so far, in and around Fort Smith. The greatest concern is that the levees have never been tested to hold so much water and for such a long time.

The Union ACS Director and Associate Director, Marshall and Julie Gonzales, are in correspondence with the Mayor, county officials, and Emergency Management leaders in Arkansas. They were on the scene providing relief supplies like flood buckets and clothing to those in need. They were joined by Lavida Whitson, ARK-LA Conference ACS Director, who also met with local Emergency Management and has requested our help to manage a Distribution site for them. They are working on the logistics of securing a facility that will function as a Distribution site.

The Gonzales’ also met with the Oklahoma ACS Director, Judy Reid, in Muskogee which was heavily impacted by the flooding of the Arkansas river. They sent them cleaning buckets and hygiene kits that can be given out to the affected community. Over 2000 people in the State were displaced. Since the situation is still ongoing, Judy and her team are on standby until the water levels subside.