Disaster Response Floods

Flooding Crisis in Houston, TX

UPDATE – April 24, 2016

Adventist Community Services volunteers served emergency supplies to 662 Houston flood survivors over the weekend. Clean up buckets, clothing packs, personal care kits, blankets, diapers and other items were distributed in three locations around Houston.

April 20, 2015

Massive flooding in Houston resulted by 10 – 18 inches of rain. The Adventist Community Services (ACS) Disaster Response team located a warehouse that will accept and provide donated goods to flood survivors in the Southwest Region. Linda Walker, Southwest Region ACS Disaster Relief assistant, will be leading out in that operation. Texas Conference will be taking the Mobile Distribution Unit (a semi filled with prepackaged clothing outfits, personal care kits, clean up kits, blankets and sheets) to Houston and distributing emergency supplies to the flood survivors including many non-insured residents. The Master Guide Club members in Houston will also assist the various ACS operations.

Please pray for the volunteers and ACS team as they serve communities in Christ’s name.

Disaster Response Floods

ACS Disaster Response Leaders serve Flooding Disasters Families

March 18, 2016

The Texas Adventist Community Services (ACS) Mobile Unit has been in Bon Wier and Newton, Texas where dedicated volunteers have been assisting flood survivors. They distributed pre-packaged clothing outfits, personal care kits, blankets, sheets, and clean up kits. About 1,000 survivors are expected to receive services from ACS and other non-profit organizations. Flood waters are still rising in Orange, TX, and expected to crest next Wednesday. It will take several days for the flood waters to recede.

March 19, 2016

Texas Adventist Community Services Mobile Distribution was stationed in Deweyville,Texas. A great group of volunteers are there to assist those who lost so much in the flood. They are distributing pre-packaged clothing outfits, personal care kits, blankets, sheets, and flood buckets (filled with cleaning supplies).

Report by: Sherry Watts, Texas Adventist Community Services


Cimarron & Tina Borland’s Horse Ministry

My children and I help the neighbor with her mini horse farm. Every year, the horses have babies and my daughters and I help halter and lead rope train them, and get them used to being handled. In 2008, a little colt was born and we happened to come to the barn about 15 minutes after the birth occurred. I entered the stall and gently approached Lacey, the mom, and the baby. He was dark brown and white, and he nosed us as we pet him. I fell in love with the little guy so my husband and the owner, Karen Johnson, presented the colt to me as a gift. I prayed that God would bless my gift and show me what to do with him. I had a dream that I took him to a nursing home. So the next day, I called the nearest nursing home to see if they would be interested and they loved the idea. My daughter Kellie, and I started to train Cimarron for his new job.

October 9, 2009 was our first unscheduled visit to the nursing home. We walked down the back hall and put him on the elevator to the offices on the first floor. I said a prayer as we walked up to an aide who was pushing a woman in a wheelchair, unable to predict if Cimarron was ready for the residents. Cimarron walked right up to Patty in her wheelchair, and laid his head in her lap. He let out a sigh as her hands wildly wiped over his eyes, and all my worries were wiped away as I watched God’s love show through His tiny horse and as Patty freely accepted His gift. Cimarron visited everyone with a quiet greeting of love. Some residents hugged him, while others cried, as I watched with wonder. It’s a small thing to share, but the love that God showed through this horse was amazing!

We have taken Cimarron all over Erie county in Pennsylvania. Cimarron gives children rides at the fair and the money donated is given to the Erie SDA church’s community project. As Cimarron got noticed, people began to ask for him for birthday parties. The proceeds would be turned into the church except for $50 from each event would be set aside for Cimarron’s needs, such as halters, a saddle or anything he needed for the horse ministry.

You can’t explain the feeling you get when you see the love that is exchanged by the horse and visitor. God’s love is amazing! – Shared by Tina Borland

Disaster Response

Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan

The switch of water supply from Lake Huron to Flint River caused a disaster for the residents in Flint, Michigan. The Flint River toxic water corroded the pipes which caused lead to leak into the water supply. Numerous people have become sick. Lake Region Conference Adventist Community Services with the help of members at Fairhaven and Eternal Life SDA Churches is responding by distributing water bottles to people who are affected by the water crisis. The youth are putting water analysis testing kits together and adults are giving out water filters.

Currently the Seventh-day Adventists church members in Flint are distributing approximately 10 pallets of water a week and will continue to do so for the next 5 months until the new water-lines are in place. The water in Flint cannot be used for drinking, bathing or cooking. Please send monetary donations to the Michigan Conference at 320 W St Joseph Hwy, Lansing MI 48933, and marked Flint Water Crisis. Please contact Debra Davis-Moody, Lake Region ACS Disaster Response Director at Fairhaven SDA Church (612-229-1676) or by email: for water donations or to volunteer.

The American Red Cross is taking charge of putting together 80,000 water testing kits which is the only job children under 18 are allowed to do (Pathfinders & Youth Groups). 11,000 have been made so they need a lot of help.

The Volunteer Reception Center is within the American Red Cross Headquarters and is in desperate need of volunteers for Data Entry, water distribution and filter distribution at the five Flint Fire Departments. Please consider this volunteer opportunity. You can volunteer by calling the community service phone number 211.

Disaster Response Tornadoes

Disaster Response from Alabama Tornado

South Central Conference Adventist Community Services Disaster Response (ACS DR) team is on the ground working the aftermath of the December 25th tornado that hit the southwest area of Birmingham in Jefferson County, AL. The team is being led by Veronica Edwards-Johnson who is the Central AL ACS DR Coordinator. The team is working from the Volunteer Reception Center that is set up at Hopewell Baptist Church, Birmingham. They have been distributing clean-up buckets, hygiene kits, food and water. They have also been in the community providing these services as well.

“The North Mississippi ACS DR Coordinator, Barbara Ware has been in discussions with local EMA officials in several counties and was told local churches were handling distributions. I’ve encouraged her to rally her team members an work alongside these different congregations to help provide assistance where needed. We covet your prayers and know that you are praying for us daily.” – Barbara Barnes & Lillie Buckingham – Adventist Community Services/SCC

You can see updates on Facebook: Adventist Community Services South Central Conference

Disaster Response Tornadoes

Tornadoes Cause Multiple Fatalities in North Texas

Update Jan 1, 2016

The ACS DR Collection/Distribution Center, located at Granger Recreation Center, in Garland, TX has been busy serving the survivors of the recent tornadoes in North Texas. Monique Monroe, Dallas Area ACS DR Coordinator, is managing the operation. Supplies are arriving, being sorted, and distributed to the survivors coming in.

We have had ACS volunteers from many of our local churches, and one church has been collecting needed items and delivering them to the center. Over 1100 home were either destroyed or majorly damaged, so there is great need.

Thank you for your support and prayers. – Sherry Watts, ACS Asst. Director Texas Conference

Dec 27, 2015

Multiple tornadoes that passed through parts of Texas this past weekend left 30,000 people without power. Around 600 buildings were destroyed or damage and several fatalities.

Garland Faith Community Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1702 E Centerville Rd, Garland, TX 75041, will be the operational headquarters for Adventist Community Services Disaster Response (ACS DR) for the response to the tornadoes in the area.

They are assembling some clean up kits to distribute to the affected families. Many home have damage and cleaning supplies are in great demand. Volunteers are also needed to help in the effort.

Supplies Needed: bleach, scouring pads, sponges (assorted sizes), scrub brushes, cleaning towels (reusable), laundry detergent, household cleaners (i.e., pine sol, 409), dish soap, dust masks, latex & non latex gloves, work gloves, heavy duty trash bags, large tarps, brooms, mops, mop buckets, and paper towels.

Monetary donations may be sent to: Texas ACS, PO Box 35, Keene, TX 76959

Let’s remember the people affected by this unfortunate disaster in our prayers.

Read More

PHOTO CREDIT: G.J. McCarthy/The Dallas Morning News

UPDATE: 12-29-15 –

The morning following the Dallas area tornadoes, Pastor Dennis Austin of the Joshua Seventh-day Adventist Church posted on Facebook the need for cleaning supplies for the survivors. Supplies were soon collected and delivered to the Garland Faith Seventh-day Adventist Church for distribution.

Adventist Community Services Disaster Response (ACS DR) has been asked to operate the donations management for both the Garland and Rowlett tornado responses. They will be one operation serving both cities. Possible locations are being checked out to determine the best location and facility.

Additional supplies (clean up kits, mold inhibitor, and toilet paper) from the ACS DR Depot in Keene, TX will be delivered to the Garland Faith SDA Church tomorrow morning for immediate distribution – Sherry Watts, ACS DR Asst. Director Texas Conference


Giving Cheer All Year

Nine ACS Volunteers Go the Extra Mile – When Mary Brown was just 14, she was tried as an adult for killing her stepfather… READ MORE

Disaster Response Floods Partnership

Governor Nikki Haley Lends a Hand to Flood Survivors

When the Carolina Conference received a request from the State of South Carolina to open a warehouse for the handling of donated goods to serve the survivors of the severe flooding there, several volunteers from the GA-Cumberland Conference were asked to join with them to facilitate the swift set up of this operation. The warehouse worked closely with the Governor’s Office to accomplish this.

A shipment of 630 flood buckets was received from the Allegheny East Conference, and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley asked the staff of the warehouse to come with her as she visited the affected counties and to hand out the buckets to the victims during her visit with the counties. The governor came by to personally thank each ACS DR volunteer for helping with her mobile distribution program and for operating the warehouse for the state, and to have her picture taken with the group.

The warehouse was shut down for the afternoon this happened, leaving Terry Haight behind to answer phones, unload any stray trucks, etc. A Regional Director from the office of US Senator Tim Scott saw the ACS banner and stopped by to see what was happening. After a golf cart tour of the warehouse (it was an 85,000 sq/ft building), Haight invited the Director into his office, and the two of them discussed ACS DR for over a half hour about what we do, how we do it and what Adventists believe. The Director said he knew Presidential hopeful Ben Carson, was an Adventist, but had no idea what Adventists believed. They spent over a half-hour discussing these things, following which the Director declared that he had visited many of the other volunteer operations helping out in the state, but had not seen any of them anywhere nearly as organized as the Adventists, and that he was going to recommend that the Senator come and inspect this operation himself, to see how donated goods should be handled.

This was certainly a “High Day” for ACS Disaster Response and the Seventh-day Adventist Church! We all pray that we represented our Savior in the best possible way.

Disaster Response Floods

Flooding in Central Texas

In response to the recent flooding in Central Texas, ACS participated in a Multi Agency Resource Center (MARC) yesterday in Kyle, Texas. This center served two of the hardest hit counties. Yellow cleanup buckets, toilet paper, and mold inhibitor were distributed to 142 families (576 people). Many survivors expressed appreciation for the assistance. #ACSResponds #NADACS


SACC 2015

Dan Weber talking to Adventist Communicators about what ‪#‎NADACS‬ did in Guam in August encouraging them to share stories and pictures with ‪#‎ACS‬! We need you, communicators! During disasters, events, and any ACS activities… Share, share with us! Email us at‎sacdc2015‬#‎sacdc15‬#‎adventistcomm