Disaster Response Tornadoes

Deadly Tornado Rips Through Missouri

Update – June 5, 2019

A Multi-Agency Warehouse has been set up and is operating from 9am-5pm everyday. The Iowa-Missouri ACS DR Team led by Jodi Dickhaut, is working tirelessly managing the Warehouse in partnership with Capital West Christian Church for the city of Jefferson City. The Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC) has served over 400 families in Cole County last week. On Saturday, the MARC moved to the city of Eldon to serve the residents of Miller County. Our Mid-American Union director, Roger Wade arrived on the scene for the weekend and will be working directly with Jodi and his team over the next few days.

Our local DR team was asked to coordinate donation collections at a benefit concert that was held on Monday in Jefferson City. Several donation items were collected for distribution to those affected. The team members also took up collections at the Sheriff’s barbeque the next day. The Mayor of Jefferson City, Carrie Tergin, is coordinating with Jodi on the city’s response to its residents. The United Way organization and the Red Cross of Cole and Miller counties are involved in disseminating information through press releases to the community. Jodi has had the opportunity to be interviewed by the local news outlets and has represented the Seventh-day Adventist church and Adventist Community Services Disaster Response admirably.

Deadly tornadoes have been wreaking havoc on the States in the Midwest. One of the States that was severely hit is Missouri. Three individuals were confirmed dead. Our Iowa-Missouri (IA-MO) Conference ACS director Jodi Dickhaut and his Team are currently on the ground in Jefferson City responding to this disaster.

On Sunday, May 26 a levee was over topped which started flooding in Jefferson City itself, making the response efforts challenging by having additional issues to focus on. Moreover, the National Weather Service report has called for rain exceeding 3+ inches over the next seven days with continued tornado threats. The State Emergency Management is working with the local authorities on coordinating a process on how they can deal with the issue since more than just one jurisdiction is being impacted and they are relatively close to each other.

Tons of clothing and other donation items have started arriving at the shelters in Jefferson City and Eldon. Jodi is working with American Red Cross to find an alternative location to where they will be transferred. Once a suitable facility has been secured, the MO ACSDR will take on this task which would require a significant amount of volunteer support. Our Team on the ground has also been asked to help open a couple of Distribution Centers, along with serving as ambassadors rendering Emotional and Spiritual Care to those that have been affected.