ADRA Partnership

ACS Partners With ADRA In Puerto Rico Aid

Puerto Rico has been severely struck by more than 500 earthquakes just within a couple of days causing widespread destruction. The most devastating one in these series of earthquakes that hit the island last Tuesday was reported to be a magnitude 6.4.

ADRA International Emergency Management Director, Mario de Oliveria, and his team are on the ground leading the Recovery Efforts. The major need currently is shelter as many are afraid to return to their homes due to aftershocks. ADRA is distributing 200 tents to house families who are displaced.

Another essential need is blankets which we were requested to help with. Several of our union and conference ACS teams have shown support by providing hundreds of blankets. We have also acquired a significant donation of over 1000 blankets filling four pallets, from our Southwestern Union ACS led by Marshall and Julie Gonzales. They will be transported to San Juan for distribution.

Please keep the survivors of these earthquakes, as well as those who have been affected by other disasters recently, in your prayers. Let us also remember the responders as they bring aid to these communities.