
ACS Celebrates 20 Years of Leadership and Service

With mixed emotions, I would like to express my sincere appreciation; indeed, it has been my privilege and honor to serve you and the NAD ACS ministry over the last 20 years.

The NAD Executive Committee has decided to seek a new director for the NAD ACS ministry. Derrick Lea has been elected as the new director. He is a competent leader with knowledge and skills, and I have confidence that he will continue to enhance the ACS ministry to the next level of professional growth. The NAD ACS associate director will be elected later.

As I look back, we have had the privilege to experience the following blessings with your support, and much more:

Challenged the social dimensions of holistic engagement from charity to justice.
Developed and initiated three Leadership Development programs.
Expanded the scope of services from relief to individual and community development.
Increased the net assets from $215,000 to $8.3 million (as of February 2020).
Increased 125 to 1,358 ACS Centers (as of December 2019).
Reorganized and decentralized the ACS Disaster Response program.
Re-framed the North American Division ACS infrastructure.
Established six ACS ministries from Disaster Response and Inner City programs.
Transitioned from ADRA North America to ACS North America.

It has been an amazing journey, and I am sincerely grateful for your support and friendship over the years. Many of you, I feel as we grew together (not getting old, but more mature and experienced) and became brothers and sisters in Christ.

I don’t know what the next chapter of my life’s journey at this time is, but I believe that God will lead according to His will. We are simply a tool in His hands, and we will seek His guidance and commit our lives into His hands daily.

Please continually support the NAD ACS staff and keep them in your prayers as they journey through the transition. I was blessed with the faithful servants of the Lord; they are not only remarkable colleagues but also friends, and they are indeed God sent.

Thank you again for your love and kindness over the years, and I am looking forward to interacting with you in different opportunities.

Please feel free to contact me if there is anything that I could assist at

Please take good care of yourselves and see you all in Heaven, if not before.


Your brother in Christ,
Sung Kwon