Disaster Response

Texas Winter Storm Disaster Relief

Millions of people in the State of Texas are dealing with the impact from the huge winter storm that passed over the region this week.

Southwestern Union Conference Adventist Community Services (ACS) began addressing some of the needs by setting up a Distribution of blankets, coats, and sweaters to the community. Additionally, the Texas ACS Depot was used as a temporary shelter for three days due to power outages.

Marshall Gonzales, ACS Director of Southwestern Union and Durandel Ford, ACS Director of Southwest Regional Conference are setting up points of distribution (POD) of water, blankets and hygiene kits.

Our hearts go out to those affected by this winter storm. Please keep them as well as the volunteers in your prayers.

If you would like to help, monetary donations are being accepted online by Texas Conference. Please visit


The Southwest Region Conference has employed several relief efforts in Texas in response to Winter Storm 2021 and Its residual affects.  For those of you who are desiring to contribute financially to the Texas Winter relief efforts, there are 2 methods you may use to give.

*Zelle (our account is under the email:

*Cash App (find it under $SWRGC).

All that you donate will be used to help in the response efforts


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