Disaster Response Emotional & Spiritual Care

ACS DR Team Renders Support to Orlando Victims

The NAD ACS Disaster Response Team is currently in Orlando to assist the conference and local leaders on how to best help the community coping in the aftermath of the mass shooting tragedy. W. Derrick Lea, NAD ACS DR director, has reached out to various conferences and organizations such as the Florida Conference, Southeastern Conference, Florida Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to discuss the possible need for Crisis Care within the local community.

They identified local pastors, Crisis Care members, and possible partners in the local area, who could render support and assistance in their endeavors. Some of the partner organizations include American Red Cross, Catholic Charities, and United Way. Their joined efforts produced a team of 15 individuals who were willing to serve as spiritual care providers for the recovery efforts. A number of activities are currently taking place by various churches, which include prayer vigils, blood drives, the offer to host funerals by several central Florida Adventist churches, and churches being open for the public to come and talk.

On the morning of June 15th, ACS Disaster Response, along with six crisis care workers/pastors, visited families that had members being treated at the Florida hospital. They were also able to speak with the patients and provide them care and counseling, for which they were truly grateful. The staff was so touched by the impact they had on the patients and families that they were asked to offer prayers at a prayer vigil given for the entire hospital.

Let us remember those who have been affected by this tragedy, and those who continue to lend service to them.